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Nice to talk about a couple of the latest stories again.    This week we discuss Joaquin Phoenix's potential casting as the Joker, Michael Bay's Lobo, and the cast of upcoming New England crime-thriller, Finest Kind! 

Thanks for the request, Rosa!!!


Movie News



I'm just over Michael Bay. Like I'd be completely fine if he just retired or maybe just show up to direct action scenes. Great vid guys!


Thanks my friend. You know what, Michael Bay just being an action scene director would be alright with me. I know in a lot of Hong Kong films they'll do that - where there's a film director and an action director, our guild rules might not allow it, but wouldn't mind if he transitioned to just that.


It would be a better path as a filmmaker for him. I don't hate the guy. I just find it hard to take his films seriously anymore. He's not the guy for Lobo. Hollywood is a mess of politics and littered with bad decisions these days. Reason I stick to being a indie writer and filmmaker. I once dreamed as a kid to make big budget thrilling flicks but as a grown dude I've gotten a better understanding of the way the whole industry works. Makes my head spin haha I do it for the love and passion of the art. That's good enough for me.


Haha yeeaaah, it always looks fun to make the big stuff growing up.. and then you read a trade or two and realize just how many headaches are involved with films on that scale. Takes a special kind of person, I'd imagine. No idea how Rian Johnson's keeping such a cool head lately haha. I feel like 10 or 15 years ago, we might've thought he was a cool choice. Lobo is definitely closer to Bay's wheelhouse than a bunch of other characters, buuuut... at this point in time.. it's hard to see this turning out in a way that isn't off-putting lol. Keep up that passion, man! That's the part that matters most :)


You make some very valid points sir. Bay needs to find away to give us more than just spectacle. If more filmmakers poured their passion and love for their craft into each project we'd probably get a better product. But I know money and time is a major factor. In a perfect world movies would be based on quality not how much they can make at the BOXOFFICE. But anywho thanks man!! I knew this would be my art since I was 7 and won 2nd place best young writer in the state. That passion will never fade from me. Did one indie film and a couple music vids. Have several projects in the works including a YT channel. You guys have really inspired me to never give up over the last few years. Times can be hard but that's how underdog origins usually start. I truly appreciate and respect everything you guys do. I know first hand it's not easy. You guys have my most loyal support for all your hard work that goes into such a quality channel. Thanks for everything!

Heather Crisford

Pain and Gain is one of the worst films I’ve ever seen...do I want to see a leery camera shot up the skirt of a dead girl lying on a bathroom floor like it’s supposed to be sexy, knowing full well that this was actually a real person with real family members still alive? I got carried away there but no, I do not. I found it by far the most offensive thing he’s ever done (although to be fair I haven’t put myself through the Transformers films so who knows) Michael Bay has zero respect, empathy or human understanding and I wouldn’t trust him to direct a toothpaste advert.


Wow, thanks for sharing all that Roman! That's incredible - good for you on your accomplishments and I'm happy to hear you haven't lost your passion. You say we inspire you, but reading what you posted to us - clearly inspires us! You're the man, thank you so much for all you do!

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:43:39 haha Pain & Gain is definitely not for everyone...but it's one of the few Michael Bay films we can actually bare. And I've heard from far too many people that Michael Bay is just not a kind human being in real life lol
2018-02-16 21:45:06 haha Pain & Gain is definitely not for everyone...but it's one of the few Michael Bay films we can actually bare. And I've heard from far too many people that Michael Bay is just not a kind human being in real life lol

haha Pain & Gain is definitely not for everyone...but it's one of the few Michael Bay films we can actually bare. And I've heard from far too many people that Michael Bay is just not a kind human being in real life lol