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Thanks for the question, Heather!!  London's first on our list ;))


Heather Crisford February


Heather Crisford

John don’t worry about Australia but New Zealand doesn’t have any scary creatures (unless you have an aversion to penguins?!) and it is stunning!! I went a few years ago and would have been back many times if it wasn’t like a 24 hour flight from London. You guys are a lot closer though...you should totally take the Reel Rejects on tour visiting movie locations...right? right? It’s what Gofundme was made for 😊


haha despite my fears, I'd still gladly take a trip to any of these countries! I'd just wear hockey pads everywhere I go. One of these days we WILL take a Reel Rejects country tour. Maybe when we reach 1 Million Subscribers!