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Hello Ladies & Gentlemen!

We want to begin doing our February Q&A Video Response segments next week :)

Would love it if you guys could start posting your questions in the comment box below!


Elle B.

On what movie set would you love to be a fly on the wall? (Past or present)


If you guys could create a male and female comic book character : What would be the origin, costume design, powers, and alter ego names? And would they be hero/anti-hero/villain?


If you guys can only watch movies from one actor or actress for the rest of your life who would it be and why? I would go with Johnny Depp because of the pirates franchise, Edward scissorhands, blow, Sweeney Todd, and other guilty pleasure movies.


What movie do you love that the majority of people hated and vice versa?


Ok,because i just saw someone mention Sweeney Todd,wich i consider to be one of the forgotten gems of the last couple of years,i was wondering what is a movie you love,but think that it got unfairly forgotten,or didn't get the attention it deserved?


What Marvel or DC characters would you like to see as a tv or Netflix series and why? My pick would be Deadpool or a live action gritty balls to the wall Batman NOIR type series on Netflix. What are your thoughts?

Heather Crisford

Ok guyssss....where would you like to go/what would you like to see in the world if you could go anywhere and do anything? (After you come visit me in London of course) 😍


With Gary Oldman a near lock to get his first Oscar, who do you think is the best actor & best actress working who doesn't have one yet (for acting)? Hard to only pick 2 but my picks are Johnny Depp and Amy Adams

Adelia Chamberlain

What's your go to movie/album/tv show when you're feeling down? I generally use the Lord of the Rings trilogy as my mainstay when I'm in a bad place. I just watch the films and listen to the soundtracks over and over and over and it brings me back to a state of peace.