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Thanks for the question Neeraj - it's an important topic to discuss!

And if you guys haven't received the email regarding this change - I attached the text below:

Dear patron,

Your support is truly changing the lives of creators around the world. You give creators a reliable paycheck that enables them to do their best work. Thank you thank you thank you.

In order to continue our mission of funding the creative class, we’re always looking for ways to do what’s best for our creators. With that, we’re writing to tell you of a change we’re making so that all Patreon creators take home exactly 95% of every pledge, with no additional fees.

Aside from Patreon’s existing 5% fee, a creator’s income on Patreon varies because of processing fees every month. They can lose anywhere from 7-15% of their earnings to these fees. This means creators actually take home a lower percentage of your pledge than you may realize. Our goal is to make creators’ paychecks as predictable as possible, so we’re restructuring how these fees are paid.

Starting December 18th, we will apply a new service fee of 2.9% + $0.35 that patrons will pay for each individual pledge. This service fee helps keep Patreon up and running.

We want you to know that we approach every change with thoughtfulness for creators and patrons. By standardizing Patreon’s fees, we’re ensuring that creators get paid to continue creating high quality content. 


New Fee On Patreon (December Q&A Neeraj Krishnan)

Thanks for the question Neeraj! And if you guys haven't received the email regarding this change - I attached the text below: Dear patron, Your support is truly changing the lives of creators around the world. You give creators a reliable paycheck that enables them to do their best work.


Heather Crisford

This is my favourite bill to pay by far! :-) Love you guys, really hope things start improving asap x


You can’t get rid of me that easily. Here to stay, mates.😙

JN Valente

Can't say I understand the reason for change but then I was already charged VAT (about 20%) on top of my contribution so 10 was 12 and 50 was 60. New system good if more money goes to you or if it comes to you more reliably. If not it sucks. But so does VAT and I do love all you guys do. Patreon-wise I mean. Publicly, I mean. Hope all turns out to your benefit but fail to see Patreon's need to say "We want you to know that we approach every change with thoughtfulness for creators and patrons. By standardizing Patreon’s fees, we’re ensuring that creators get paid to continue creating high quality content. " In my experience when a company or platform says it needs to charge to continue to provide something it's a case of either a) it has been bought by a giant company and is newly greedier or b) it's failing and will soon fold up. I'm sure in this case it's one of them but there are other platforms. Other giant companies too. Oh well, best of luck with it all!

JN Valente

Wow! That seems an awful grumpy ramble. Ever so sorry.


I agree, JN! Thanks for commenting though and giving us your feedback on this new change. Personally (as stated in this video) we find this change to be bullshit, wish there was something more we could do. We know other Creators have petitioned this and has yielded zero results. Happy to have you still here with us, though!!!


Hmmm... well I have some financial struggles, but I know you guys are in a rough spot with the YouTube things happening to you. I guess I know you guys are trying to make your videos feel like you're hanging out with the viewer and the viewer is hanging out with you in a fun way, with common interest of movies. So, I upped my pledge some because I think that has value. I might be wrong, but I think there's a lot of viewers who are alone and if it feels like spending time with a couple buddies feeling like you're in a conversation about something that friends talk about together like movies, helps. Not that it's a fix, but that it's valuable. So, I hope you guys figure out the YouTube thing soon, I know it's driving you nuts.

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:47:35 Well thank you Christopher for upping your pledge! That really does mean a lot especially during these times with channel issues (little bits of progress every day) & with Patreon fee changes - sure does mean a lot that you'd take time to comment & point out what you find valuable about what we do. So THANKS!
2017-12-11 20:16:41 Well thank you Christopher for upping your pledge! That really does mean a lot especially during these times with channel issues (little bits of progress every day) & with Patreon fee changes - sure does mean a lot that you'd take time to comment & point out what you find valuable about what we do. So THANKS!

Well thank you Christopher for upping your pledge! That really does mean a lot especially during these times with channel issues (little bits of progress every day) & with Patreon fee changes - sure does mean a lot that you'd take time to comment & point out what you find valuable about what we do. So THANKS!