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Don’t really wanna go full on public about this situation via social media but since you guys are our most dedicated followers I thought I should share with all of you everything that’s happened. I would do a video and put it up but I’ve been on hold for the past 90minutes with google - this is after an incident that happened at 10AM so it’s been non stop with emails/phone calls since then

Before I tell you guys everything, I want to apologize. There are videos (3 specifically) that we planned as exclusive Patreon posts to shoot & have up today, so for being late on our last 3 November requests I sincerely apologize. It truly upsets me that this has taken up our entire day and we weren’t able to fully honor the entirety of the month when you guys have been such a major contribution to keeping us moving & motivated. But I promise they will be up by this weekend.
I also want to apologize for venting because the last thing I want to do is create an environment that is perceived as negative or dramatic in any capacity, please do know that this is simply an explanation I only wish to uphold to you guys right now.

Alright, so yesterday, we pulled an all nighter from Tuesday to Wednesday to shoot & edit an intro sketch for our Infinity War Reaction and also get the Infinity War video up and fortunately it reached #11 on trending in a couple hours! Only vid this year to do that

Wasn’t long after that where it was demonetized - first time this ever happened with a Marvel video. Now if you’ve seen the trailer teaser you’ll notice Marvel is very welcoming of reactions. Then we noticed it was demonetized not by Marvel or Disney but by some random company who has no content in our video. So the ad revenue our top performing would’ve earned... well it doesn’t go to us but these thieves and YouTube can’t resolve it for us...figures

If that wasn’t discouraging enough...
YouTube payments come in once a month, after a month, at the end of the month. To give you an example if you earn money from July 1st-July 31st, you won’t receive those earnings till the very end of August. When we woke up, we had received our payment for the month of October (this month the channel gathered over 3 million views) no idea what that would actually equate to but we only received a little less than 10 percent than what youtube analytics said we earned.

Immediately began contacting people. All day yesterday we tried figuring out how to reverse this false claim which hasn’t been done, and then today we’ve been trying to get the rest of our earnings for October and as I type this - still hasn’t been resolved.

Now as of 3 hours ago, something happened where we have ZERO ACCESS to the channel. No option appears for us to log into, there’s literally no way we can log into the channel. The channel is still there so the good news is it’s not terminated. The bad news is, no idea how we can access it.

It sucks because we worked our assess off on that sketch and pulled an all nighter then successfully accomplished it. Lately things have been nothing short of Awesome on The Reel Rejects community. Then after taking a nap yesterday, it’s been this non stop domino effect.

Had to cancel a google hang out, and have been on hold for this other person to talk to for exactly 01:44:46 and counting lol

The channel is still alive and we are aiming to resolve this as quickly as possible.

Thanks for letting me rant about this, you guys have been the absolute best to us, and I guess once in a while I might need to vent.

Thank you all for your love & support. Hopefully we can solve this ASAP so we can get back to regular more frequent posts.



I know you guys must be super pissed right now. The whole situation really sucks. Hope they figure out a solution and everything gets resolved as soon as possible.


Sidenote: that intro was epic as hell.

Adelia Chamberlain

You guys must be frustrated as hell and furious too. I know I would be. I hope things get resolved soon, because you guys worked your asses off on that video (that intro sketch was everything btw) and on your channel to get those views and you deserve every single cent that you should have earned for it. Sending postitive thoughts and lots of love your way.

Heather Crisford

Jesus....that sounds ridiculously frustrating for you. Really hope you can sort it out, I’m sure you will...taking on massive companies like that must be a bit daunting but fingers crossed you get through to someone who can help. Heaps of love 😊


sounds awful..We continue to support your channel! Thanks for the great content!

Jason Dolan

Feel your pain! Hopefully they figure this shit out. Fuckos.

Abdul Bhutta

I hope it gets resolved as soon as possible! You’ll get nothing but support from us. Thank you guys so much for all you do!


I hate when this shit happens. I'll see what I can do on my end.


Yeah it's annoying as shit but hopefully it gets solved soon. Thanks for the compliment on the sketch btw


You’d think Youtube would do everything in their power to protect the very people who put them on the map. My heart goes out to you guys. You’ll get through this. We got you!

David Gandy

Sorry to hear this is happening. Hang in there. Wish I could offer more than words, but as others have said we're here.

Jamie Smith

That is crap to hear. You have put so much effort in that channel and now it wont let you log in. I hope it gets resolved and hope to hear good news


Yeah it is, hopefully by tomorrow it gets resolved. Because google/youtube is closed on weekends it's not going to be anytime today, but our network has an idea they're aiming for to solve by Monday


Yeah I know haha. Hopefully by Monday we'll be able to get access back to our channel - it's especially weird cause it's not terminated or anything lol. Thanks for the support Kyle!