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In this spirit of the month, what are some of your favorite Thanksgiving traditions? Also, is it appropriate to start listening to Christmas music before Thanksgiving?

If you didn't get the chance to put down a question, here's the link to the Q&A post: patreon.com/posts/november-q-for-15215694


Adelia Chamberlain Question

In this spirit of the month, what are some of your favorite Thanksgiving traditions? Also, is it appropriate to start listening to Christmas music before Thanksgiving? If you didn't get the chance to put down a question, here's the link to the Q&A post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/november-q-for-15215694


Adelia Chamberlain

Well, you guys passed the Christmas music test lol. Never before Thanksgiving. I think your Thanksgivings sound cool. My father always makes us do the What Are You Thankful For thing which usually means we all end up in tears in the middle of dinner. We also eat in the middle of the afternoon because night is reserved for decorating the house for Christmas. Thanks so much for answering my questions guys! Love you!


Awww that's some cute family traditions right there! Wish my family was as adorable as you guys haha