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How do you fight depression?!


Aldrine D QUESTION (Patron Q&A - October 2017)

How do you fight depression?!


Heather Crisford

I suffered with major PTSD after my car accident and it prob took a couple of years to really come out of it with a more positive outlook and not have flashbacks/nightmares every day. I don't know the circumstances of your situation Aldrine but if its connected to a singular event or life circumstance then what i can say is that time is amazing for healing. Things that help in general are like Greg says: have a routine of doing certain things every day, even if it's just walking a dog, or writing down random thoughts, or reaching out to a friend or family member so you can at least try and unburden yourself from negative thoughts. The strongest instinct in the world when you are depressed is to hide from the world, but the more you do this the scarier it gets. Reach out to people and you might be surprised at how much it helps just to drag yourself out and have a cup of coffee with someone, or go for a walk, or a drive, or to the movies. Just try and do these relatively normal things every day and gradually you might find yourself getting pulled up to the surface. As Greg said there are so many potential causes for depression and these things won't work for everyone, but just talking about it is a really positive step. I know sometimes there can be absolutely no cause for depression and that can be the most scary, it could simply be an imbalance in your brain chemistry. Sometimes increasing serotonin levels with anti depressants can help, but I've found that natural serotonin is just as effective and can be found in exercise, sunlight, dancing etc. Also make sure to take vitamin B6 every day which contains high levels of serotonin. Another random thing i found helped me was finding a really good podcast to listen to, i know I'm not alone in this too. I remember listening to the ricky gervais podcast constantly and it really helped to pull me out of dark places sometimes. There's a whole load to choose from and you can listen whilst walking or jogging or anything really, and sometimes it just takes the edge off things that might be daunting. It becomes a bit of a support system in a weird way. Im really sorry that you're going through this and hope that things get better for you really soon. You are certainly not alone :-) x

Adelia Chamberlain

I really find your words on this subject touching and inspiring. I personally suffer from schizoaffective disorder (which is basically the "fun" parts of schizophrenia and bipolar combined with major depression) and high anxiety, and because of that I will never be off meds (believe me I've tried), and just listening to your comments on this subject makes me feel like someone out there gets it, if that makes any sense. I do meditation and journaling, but a lot of my coping is just laying in bed and listening to music or putting on a film and ignoring the world for awhile. I'm also a self-published author, and usually there is a character in my books that is an amalgamation of actual me and the fantasy of how I'd like to be. That's another way I cope. I found your channel through watching film reviews as a way to cope one day, and now watching your videos brings a smile to my face and can draw a laugh out of me (which is very difficult to do). It's one of the many reasons that I love you guys. And Greg, you're totally right, therapists can be great. I don't know what I'd do without mine.

thereelrejects (edited)

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2021-07-15 05:49:20 Oh wow - had no idea you have to deal with something like that - in fact, I'm not sure I've even met someone with schizoaffective disorder (or at least no one's told me they have it). With a condition like that, makes sense that you'd have to stay on medication. With that being said, I am glad you still make the extra effort to develop yourself with meditation & journaling, it literally is one of the few things that helps keep me sane (along with a regular exercise regime). Escaping with a movie or tv show once a day is also one of my go to methods!!!! I LOVE what you said about when you write of how there's usually a character that is essentially a hybrid of you + fiction cause when I write, that's also the case for me!!!! (And especially Stephen King haha). What kind of books do you write?!
2017-10-29 21:50:58 Oh wow - had no idea you have to deal with something like that - in fact, I'm not sure I've even met someone with schizoaffective disorder (or at least no one's told me they have it). With a condition like that, makes sense that you'd have to stay on medication. With that being said, I am glad you still make the extra effort to develop yourself with meditation & journaling, it literally is one of the few things that helps keep me sane (along with a regular exercise regime). Escaping with a movie or tv show once a day is also one of my go to methods!!!! I LOVE what you said about when you write of how there's usually a character that is essentially a hybrid of you + fiction cause when I write, that's also the case for me!!!! (And especially Stephen King haha). What kind of books do you write?!

Oh wow - had no idea you have to deal with something like that - in fact, I'm not sure I've even met someone with schizoaffective disorder (or at least no one's told me they have it). With a condition like that, makes sense that you'd have to stay on medication. With that being said, I am glad you still make the extra effort to develop yourself with meditation & journaling, it literally is one of the few things that helps keep me sane (along with a regular exercise regime). Escaping with a movie or tv show once a day is also one of my go to methods!!!! I LOVE what you said about when you write of how there's usually a character that is essentially a hybrid of you + fiction cause when I write, that's also the case for me!!!! (And especially Stephen King haha). What kind of books do you write?!

thereelrejects (edited)

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2023-04-02 06:44:35 Btw, thank you so much for your open & honest feedback (especially with sharing about yourself as well)
2017-10-29 21:51:18 Btw, thank you so much for your open & honest feedback (especially with sharing about yourself as well)

Btw, thank you so much for your open & honest feedback (especially with sharing about yourself as well)

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:49:20 Thanks for your open feedback Heather :) I love your sentence about "The strongest instinct in the world when you are depressed is to hide from the world, but the more you do this the scarier it gets." So true! When you repress, it just grows and can take over your mind & heart in a variety of different ways - anxiety, depression, negative thinking, etc... You also did lay out some extra great tips on how to help cope or lift one self up. There was one point in my life where I was on Paxill medication, which was all about blocking off one part of my brain that allowed for more serotonin to fill up, now I try to increase Serotonin in different ways. I didn't know about B6 though being a factor, although I really do believe in the power of high quality, pharmaceutical grade vitamins/supplements. What podcasts do you listen to?!
2017-10-29 21:54:32 Thanks for your open feedback Heather :) I love your sentence about "The strongest instinct in the world when you are depressed is to hide from the world, but the more you do this the scarier it gets." So true! When you repress, it just grows and can take over your mind & heart in a variety of different ways - anxiety, depression, negative thinking, etc... You also did lay out some extra great tips on how to help cope or lift one self up. There was one point in my life where I was on Paxill medication, which was all about blocking off one part of my brain that allowed for more serotonin to fill up, now I try to increase Serotonin in different ways. I didn't know about B6 though being a factor, although I really do believe in the power of high quality, pharmaceutical grade vitamins/supplements. What podcasts do you listen to?!

Thanks for your open feedback Heather :) I love your sentence about "The strongest instinct in the world when you are depressed is to hide from the world, but the more you do this the scarier it gets." So true! When you repress, it just grows and can take over your mind & heart in a variety of different ways - anxiety, depression, negative thinking, etc... You also did lay out some extra great tips on how to help cope or lift one self up. There was one point in my life where I was on Paxill medication, which was all about blocking off one part of my brain that allowed for more serotonin to fill up, now I try to increase Serotonin in different ways. I didn't know about B6 though being a factor, although I really do believe in the power of high quality, pharmaceutical grade vitamins/supplements. What podcasts do you listen to?!

Heather Crisford

So the Ricky Gervais podcast with Stephen Merchant and Karl Pilkington is hilarious, I know some people can’t stand him but I’d definitely recommend giving it a go. The first series of Serial was mindblowing, impossible not to listen for 12 hours straight! and also Undisclosed on the same subject. We have a really good film podcast in the UK called Kermode and Mayo’s film review (look up YouTube videos of Mark Kermode reviewing Micheal Bay films - it’s quite entertaining!!) I’m quite into politics too so I listen to Pod Save America - but it’s really personal and whatever interests you there will be a podcast about it I guarantee! Great for car journeys or long walks 😊

Adelia Chamberlain

yeah, you don't hear people walking around saying they've got schizoaffective the way you hear schizophrenia or bipolar. I'd never even heard of it until I was diagnosed with it. I really would like to be on as little meds as possible, which is why I do whatever I can outside of meds to manage my symptoms. I think every good writer puts themselves into their stories somehow, whether it be a character or a theme. I wrote a young adult fantasy book and another young adult drama book where I literally gave the main character my mental illness, and then I just released my first book for adults, which basically just means it has language and adult themes in it and I don't want my young cousins reading it lol. No one but my family and some friends buys them because I don't promote them, but it's more about the accomplishment of doing it than it is about creating a career out of doing it, you know? Anyway, they're on Amazon if you want to check them out, but they're definitely not Stephen King books lol.