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We've divided every question into individual vids, but for MATT BEER & HEATHER CRISFORD we had to combine them - the last couple minutes of our answers has it make more sense as to why lol

MATT BEER: Two questions, first what is the most overrated horror film? Second, any more hotel recommendations since the last hangouts?

HEATHER CRISFORD: Ok here's my question, sorry if it's a bit long winded - I find the failure of most horror movies, and far more so than any other genre, is the fact that they seem to write up the most annoying characters possible to star in them, so I find most of the time I really don't care whether they get bludgeoned or not (sometimes it's positively a bonus). The horrors that really get to me are ones where I genuinely care about the characters, for example 'let the right one in' or '28 days later'. So what are the horror films that have really gotten to you emotionally and what ones are you rooting for the monster to get rid of all the annoying teenage girls and jocks asap? And do you think its sometimes a ploy by directors to make you cheer on the killings?


Patron Q&A (October) Matt Beer & Heather Crisford's QUESTIONS!!!

We've divided every question into individual vids, but for MATT BEER & HEATHER CRISFORD we had to combine them - the last couple minutes of our answers has it make more sense as to why lol MATT BEER: Two questions, first what is the most overrated horror film?


Heather Crisford

Haha thanks for the answer, very interesting! Love the fact that we have the same favourites. I love Scream as well, I was a teenager when it came out and probably know it off by heart the amount of times I’ve seen it. And although it’s not what you’d call a deep movie it definitely had a massive impact on me. Thanks Greg for the impeccable English accent 😊 have you had professional training?!! 😉

Adelia Chamberlain

You are so right about The Blair Witch Project. So, so, so overrated. I could not wait for them all to die.

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:49:23 Scream is easily one of my favorites, if not it's my favorite. That's what I find interesting about it - it's not exactly deep but it's so well thought out that it leaves an impact. Might be due to the age I watched it at or it's just that strong of a horror film....HEY! I can actually do a good English accent if I warm up & try, usually on these vids they are "intentionally" bad.....l-o-l
2017-10-27 20:32:26 Scream is easily one of my favorites, if not it's my favorite. That's what I find interesting about it - it's not exactly deep but it's so well thought out that it leaves an impact. Might be due to the age I watched it at or it's just that strong of a horror film....HEY! I can actually do a good English accent if I warm up & try, usually on these vids they are "intentionally" bad.....l-o-l

Scream is easily one of my favorites, if not it's my favorite. That's what I find interesting about it - it's not exactly deep but it's so well thought out that it leaves an impact. Might be due to the age I watched it at or it's just that strong of a horror film....HEY! I can actually do a good English accent if I warm up & try, usually on these vids they are "intentionally" bad.....l-o-l

Heather Crisford

Hahaaaa I tease!! I’ve heard your Irish so there’s no way your English could be that bad 😉