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Hey guys! So usually when we do our exclusive Q&A's on Patreon, we put it all into one video. This time around we decided to divide our questions up into separate videos. Enjoy the adventure beginning with Elle B's QUESTION!!!

Elle's Question: 

"Did you guys have any irrational childhood fears? For example, I would never let my arms or feet hang off my bed at night because I was terrified something--or someone--would grab me. "


Patron Q&A (October) ELLE B's QUESTION!!!

Hey guys! So usually when we do our exclusive Q&A's on Patreon, we put it all into one video. This time around we decided to divide our questions up into separate videos. Enjoy the adventure beginning with Elle B's QUESTION!!! "Did you guys have any irrational childhood fears?


Adelia Chamberlain

I read a similar article when I was a kid, Greg, except it was an alligator and not a snake. I was terrified for MONTHS. Great answers, guys!