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0:24 James Cameron Disses Wonder Woman/ Patty Jenkins Response

6:36 2 New Halloween Reboots Announced

10:22 Celeb Nude Pics Leaked (Miley Cyrus, Kristen Stewart, Tiger Woods)

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James Cameron Disses Wonder Woman/ 2 Halloween Reboots/ Celeb Nude Pics Leaked!



I like the format of combining the movie and celebrity news. It especially makes sense when there's not enough movie stuff to fill an episode with.

Adelia Chamberlain

Sarah Connor is a great female role model in film. Wonder Woman is a great female role model in film. Why can't we all just acknowledge this and move on? They're completely different, and they should be celebrated for being different because women are different from each other. As for James Cameron, he is annoying the hell out of me lately. All this Terminator nonsense and the seventy-nine Avatar sequels that are supposed to be the greatest thing ever and now this bullshit? Shut the hell up, man. And I kind of wish Patty Jenkins hadn't responded at all, but the statement she did respond with was one that I think was appropriate. I agree with John - Wonder Woman isn't the be all end all, and there will be other films that will bridge the differences between the kind of character Diana is and the kind of character that Sarah is. And I cannot wait for that day, especially since right now I'm just happy if I see a film with female characters that passes the Bechdel test. Two Halloween films? The Blumhouse one I have a little faith in, but this other one? I don't know what's going on with that. I'm definitely not interested in it, that's for sure. As for the leaked nude pictures, I don't understand why people take nude photos to begin with, so stories like these always make me wonder why people would be so careless with them that they're able to be hacked and stolen. When it comes to looking at them, I would never, ever, look at them because it's a horrendous invasion of the privacy of those whose pictures were leaked. I'm not judging you for looking at them, because to each their own, but I just feel really bad for the people whose pics were leaked. Another great news of the week video, guys! I like how you combined the movie news and the celeb news into one video.