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Hey guys, so Gareth Hood has been a Patroneject since the launch of this thingamajig, and one of his reward tiers is a customized hand written thank you letter. However, because he lives so far overseas, he hasn't given us his address to try & ship it to him. So, Gareth, we'll read out loud the letter and you can pick it up when you're in California!


Letter For Gareth Hood



Seriously awesome guys. Not just read out but acted out - ass slap and all! Thanks so much for doing this video. Appreciate the efforts you guys are making for the Patreon community. One of the great benefits is how it's made a real community hats close to the content creators. Thanks for taking the time to making me smile :)


PS - sorry for the slow reaction as I'm travelling in England at the moment. Catch up with you soon.