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Thank you again to all who have joined our Patreon community! We know it's been growing little by little and we really have been enjoying the interaction + exclusive content we've been sharing here!

You girls & guys are seriously the best and it means the absolute world to us you all are here!

We got off a google hangout chat with Matt Beer & Diego Chaidez, two people who's first time it was chatting with us and it was so much fun! After the hangout, we spoke to each other about how awesome, much more personal, and rewarding it's been for us to be here with everyone who's hopped on board this Reject ship with us!

From every pledge from $1.00 - $60.00 and a few of you who have pledged even higher than that, super grateful for ya'll and I hope that whatever pledge has allowed you access too - we hope you've been enjoying what we share here!

It really does go back into keeping the channel alive & it's just so awesome to be have this Patreon community where we can be much more interactive & share things that don't go up on youtube! 

Also, we are pretty sure we'll be adding a couple more things to the Patreon! Most likely, our live streams will be only over here (and that'll be for every Patron no matter the amount you pledge) 

And something about music vid reactions we'll make a separate post about later. Anywhoo, thank you and LOVE YOU ALL FOR BEING HERE! CHEERS :))



Thanks for the efforts you're putting in. As you said one of the great benefits of Patreon is that it's broken down barriers and made the whole thing real. Awesome. And sexy.


Thanks so much Gareth! You know better than anyone that you've helped shaped this Patreon in a major way :)


You guys are simply amazing! Thank you guys for everything you guys do, also thank you for always doing my requests (I honestly do appreciate it). I feel like I'm receiving more than what I'm pledging for. Keep up the good work!!


Screw you guys!! You never let me talk, always put me down and make me wanna cry for my mommy!!! :)


Awww thanks Rosa!!! That means a hell of a lot that you'd say that - you're the friggin' best! Say hi to Kassandra and the rest of the family for us!!


*sniff sniff Well, my mom said to not take things so personal, and to give you another chance, so i guess that is what i will do!! (lol, i really need to cut back on the whisky)

Adelia Chamberlain

I am so glad that I joined this. I have loved all the exclusive content but, more than that, I've loved my interactions with you. I love you guys so much. I'm very happy to be here, and I'm glad that you're happy all of us are here too!


Awww we love you Adelia! Having you here has definitely been a highlight and we love all your comments :))