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1. Wonder Woman Oscar Contender?

2. James Cameron planning a new Terminator Trilogy

3. John Wick expands its universe with female Assassin spin off

4. Top Directors for the newest Bond Film


Wonder Woman Oscars, New Terminator Trilogy, Bond Directors, John Wick Universe!


Adelia Chamberlain

I loved Wonder Woman but I didn't come out of the movie thinking that it deserved a Best Picture nom. Patty Jenkins for Best Director I could see, but I think that's a long shot too. As for James Cameron, I love the first two Terminator films, but I am so over the Terminator franchise after the horrible films we've gotten since that I'm not sure even him returning to the franchise, even as a producer, can get me back on board. Besides, isn't he tied up making Avatar sequels until 2090 or something? (God, there's too many Avatar sequels coming.) I'm not thrilled about the idea about another cinematic universe, but given the way that John Wick set up the world that he exists in, and if Ballerina is a better film than Atomic Blonde was, I'll probably end up enjoying it. And I've actually never seen a James Bond film. I just don't get the appeal of them. But that's just me. Another great video, guys! I love these news of the week vids.


I watched this video!! Good day! Great video as always. I also think that Wonder Woman will not win best picture (I honestly don't think it should be nominated). I might get murder for this but I've only watched one terminator film; I have no interest in Avatar and I have not seen any of the James Bond films.


Wonder Woman oscar no. More terminator no. John wick universe maybe. James Bond I think the sorry arc was completed in Spectre and. Ow they need something fresh.


Thanks for all the feedback, Adelia! You actually made a great point about James Cameron that I didn't think about - how he's wrapped up for Avatar sequels over the next several years so even if he did produce Terminator it's not like he'd be heavily involved - there's just no way he'd have the time to be there. Great point!


Thanks Rosa! Glad you liked the video. Which Terminator film did you see? If you've only seen one of them I'm praying it was at least Part 2!

thereelrejects (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-15 05:53:09 Lol you keep it blunt & simple, Mr Hood! I really don't know what they can do with Bond to make it more interesting, I mean it's 25 films deep now, what more can you do to really keep it fresh???!
2017-07-31 10:17:02 Lol you keep it blunt & simple, Mr Hood! I really don't know what they can do with Bond to make it more interesting, I mean it's 25 films deep now, what more can you do to really keep it fresh???!

Lol you keep it blunt & simple, Mr Hood! I really don't know what they can do with Bond to make it more interesting, I mean it's 25 films deep now, what more can you do to really keep it fresh???!


Well I think when Daniel Craig came onboard they were brave enough to take Bond back to his roots and take him through a personal story arc which threaded through 4 movies. Overall that worked for me and watching the end of a Spectre again it really was the perfect ending for Craig. As for what's next then people in expensive suits figure that stuff out. Why not take him later in his career and make him more vulnerable. Like we saw Wolverine in Logan. Maybe do series of pure stand alone movies that dare to experiment with the environment that Bond works in. Let him fail and the bad guy actually get away with starting his evil plan. Start world war 3. How does he operate in a world where there is no MI6 anymore. On the run in a scary chaos (World War Z chaos).


I've heard they're trying to expand it out into a Bond Cinematic Universe. Which I could see working. You could make some of them period pieces, have stories that tell origins of famous Bond villains - might not be the greatest thing in the world considering I strongly agree with what you said, however, it is one way to keep it fresh