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Hey guys! So for this THURSDAY (AUGUST 3rd), 5PM (PACIFIC STANDARD TIME) we thought of a really fun LIVE STREAM we will exclusively do on Patreon!!!

We have to go in on Friday for our next Movie Trivia Schmoedown Match! So we thought you could help us prepare!

So the live stream will be about 45 minutes, write down the best movie trivia questions you can see taking place on the Schmoedown, and QUIZ US! So in a nutshell, you guys provide the movie trivia questions, and we'll answer them during the live stream!

So DO NOT put your questions down in the comment box, save them for the live stream! MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!! THURSDAY AUGUST 3RD AT 5PM! HOPE TO SEE AS MANY OF YOU THERE!!!



Who are you guys going against? (If you guys can say)


Super clever idea! Happy to be your study buddies.