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Hey gals & guys, as we said before, we will be hosting at least 3 google hangouts this month. Everyone who received the 30.00 or higher pledge is eligible to be apart of it but everyone is on a different time zone so they'll be held at different times to make sure everyone who qualifies can at least be in 1 of our hour long private hang outs

The first one will be tomorrow at 8:30pm (Pacific Standard Time)

If you can make it, comment below!

If you can't, also comment below so it can be easier for us to keep track of who to message for the next one so we can coordinate the best times!

Thank you all!
Much love 😁



I'm most definitely gonna make it!


Count me in! 😎


😔I won't be able to make it.


The next one we can make sure you're in it! Also, check your messages!!! We finally got approval for that specific shirt you asked about :))


I'll be there chaps


Hey man, I completely slipped and forgot that I have an event I'm scheduled to attend tomorrow. I have to cancel but we are gonna have three this month, and we'll definitely have one next week! So sorry about that!


Hey dude, I'm so sorry but I completely forgot I'm scheduled to attend an event tomorrow night! My rep got pretty upset at me for trying to bail on it. We'll be having fun three more this month and for sure one next week


Dude! I'm so sorry! I totally forgot I'm supposed to go to an event tomorrow night and when I tried getting out of it my rep got pissed. We'll be doing three more this month and we are gonna reschedule for the same time next week either Wednesday or Thursday


No issue man. Just let me know when you've firmed up another date.


Son of a BITCH!!! How Dare You!!!!! hehe. I was probably well on my way to doing something i shouldnt. Forgot to check patreon messages. My old ass has trouble staying on top of all these damn apps!!!!