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Reminder peeps: for those who pledged $30 or more, tomorrows googlehang out will be at 5:30 pm pacific standard time.

Please make sure you have an account registered that will allow you to be apart of the google hang out! Might take some google research to make sure you can do it, best odds are if you have a google or gmail account. Doesn't cost any extra money but does require set up.

Will give another heads up manana before we go live!



Will we get an invitation this time?


I already have it, so see ya tomorrow! 😄


Yeah I don't know why some people weren't receiving there's when our end it kept saying it was sent


Lemme know if you're able to create a gmail account cause the people that came on were the ones that had that


Yay!! I'll see you guys tomorrow!!!


Will it be using the same google hangout as last time? Or will it be with a new invitation? I just have "first Patreon Reject Hangout" - is that dead or what we will use?


We'll most likely be sending out a new invite! John's coming over an hour before we're scheduled for the google hang out, so we'll send out the invitations then and post something on here!