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The Mob Song, Gaston, If I Can't Love Her, & Around You!

Reaction Highlights: https://youtu.be/dPvbZMtyCnU

Watch Along: https://youtu.be/qugjttbR_As

More HSMTMTS Reactions: https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=HSMTMTS

High School Musical 1 Reaction Watch Along: https://www.patreon.com/posts/high-school-101925682

High School Musical 2 Reaction Watch Along: https://www.patreon.com/posts/high-school-2-102372089

High School Musical 3 Reaction Watch Along: https://www.patreon.com/posts/high-school-3-102741826

Sharpay's Fabulous Adventure Watch Along: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sharpays-movie-103237530


High School Musical The Musical The Series Season 2 Episode 9 & 10 Watch Along!



I am about to go on a rant. So I apologize in advance. I need to reiterate for me how much it bothers me that this show is only focusing on what Ricky did wrong and how Ricky was to blame for the breakup, and there is no attention put on where Nini may have made mistakes. I said similar stuff for episode 8, so I am going to avoid repeating myself, but I would like to point out that episode 1 of season 1 was less than a year prior to this which means that he has broken up with the same girl twice in less than a year while also dealing with his parents' divorce, his mom living in another state, and him having to move out of his childhood home. During this whole time, he has never really taken the time to figure himself out. That is his major flaw. He spent half of season 1 trying to get Nini back. After Homecoming, he moved on to focusing his attention on Gina and building a friendship there, and I think she was his only true friend other than Bog Red. Then after Thanksgiving when she had to move, he put his attention back on Nini as a way to hide from all of the change around him. He went back to what felt safe. He then had another encounter with Gina, and you could see in the way he looked at her that had she still been in his life, he would probably not have been focused on Noni again, but as far as they knew, she was leaving. So, he got back together with Nini. Immediately after, he gets conformation on how Gina felt about him, but again, they thought they were not going to see each other again. Him and Gina should have talked about it, but I honestly don't blame them for not talking about it. Gina was probably slightly embarrassed and knew that he was back with Nini, and Ricky had just gotten what he thought he wanted/needed and didn't want to put it at risk. In season 2, Gina and Ricky continuously glance at each other and basically flirt despite him being in a relationship, but I do not believe that they are doing it consciously. The two of them just understand each other. That is why Gina went to Ricky on Valentine's day. She figured he was the only one who would understand how she was feeling. This also showed the first example of Ricky feeling guilty for being friends with Gina: when he shushes her when Nini calls. Why would he do that if he didn't think there was a chance Nini could have thought something mire about his relationship with Gina. Plus, why did Gina know where his new place was when Nini didn't even k or that he had moved in the first place. This whole time that Nini is away, Ricky is trying to be supportive despite how much he is hurting because he thought she was the one constant in his life until she dropped the bomb and went to YAC without any warning. He kept supporting her there, and when she asked him to tell her the truth about how he was feeling about the long distance, he lied and kept supporting her anyway because he knew it was a great opportunity for her. This brings us to episode 4 where Ricky laughs at one of Gina's terrible jokes and tries to make light of the chocolate situation which he has to know must have been super uncomfortable for her to think he sent the chocolates and send him that message. He also supported her idea for the dance which was a nice callback to her supporting his acoustic idea in season 1 episode 6. Then Nini walks in, and the two of them stare like deer in headlights as if they got doing something they shouldn't be which makes no sense because Nini should know that they are friends. Later in that episode, Big Red goes to Gina to ask for her advice on if Ricky should tell Nini that he wants her to stay. He tries multiple times to get him to not say anything to Gina because he knows it is not something he should be talking to Gina about. Big Red tells her anyway, and she gives him advice and acts like it doesn't bother her. He then at the end of the episode leaves to go tell Nini that he wants her to stay after sharing another glance with Gina. Nini decides to stay after this, but lists Ricky as the fifth person that isn't at YAC. Basically saying he was nit a reason that she came back. Granted, this was before he told her he wanted her to stay. After this, he feels comfortable to go to Gina about Nini because she has already given him advice as though it didn't bother her once already. During this time, the tension between Nini and Ricky has escalated because now that she is back, he doesn't want her to go anywhere because again, he hates change. It is at this point that his relationship with Nini begins to deteriorate as a result of his neediness and him being so clingy. Nini, however, instead of talking to him and trying to understand what is going on with him, focuses on the negatives of his behavior, and writes a song about how she is feeling without ever talking to him about her feelings prior to the song, and she wasn't even going to show him the song at first. While this is happening, Gina, rightfully, shuts out Ricky completely. Sebastian mentions how they need friendship to beat North High, and Rick immediately looks at Gina. In response, she immediately looks away from him. Then layer in the episode, he turns to her to partner for an acting exercise, and again, without any words, she turns away from him. I understand where Gina is coming from, but it must also be confusing for Ricky to suddenly get cut of from someone that he has said knows things about him that he doesn't share with anyone. Also in this episode, when Ashlyn is doing her i.prov and asks Gina what her heart is telling her, she looks over at Ricky before saying she doesn't know, making it more clear that she loves Ricky but doesn't know of she should or doesn't understand the extent of her feelings. This is the last episode in which aricky and Gina interact up to where we are on this watch along. Moving into episode 7 is when Ricky and Nini truly divide. She had this song that she says means so much but doesn't seem to get how Ricky could take it negatively and even goes so far as to say that it means nothing later in the episode and think that he is just mad that it's not a duet. Ricky gets manipulated by Lily into snapping at Nini even though he was nothing but supportive prior to this. I do think that Ricky chose the wrong time to let his feelings out though. He should have waited until they were in private. Moving into episode 8, the show continues to paint Ricky as the bad guy and focuses on his fear of change and his lack of understanding of where he is emotionally. Nini though, never misses an opportunity to point out how Ricky messed up even though he was continuously supportive despite his inner pain. It is in thie episode that Gina and EJ get closer, but it is made clear that they don't really have anything common, just like Ricky and Nini are finally realizing that they are moving at two completely separate speeds in two different directions. They do break up very peacefully with each other though, and you can tell that Noth wish they could find a way to stay together. It will never not make me angry that none of Nini's mistakes are pointed out though. Sure Ricky overreacted and focused on the wrong things. He did though, own up to his mistakes, such as when he admitted to deleting the comment and knew he was in the wrong. After the breakup, we move into his biggest character development epispdez and heals his relationship with his mom while also healing himself a little and let's Nini go and moves on from his breakup. He goes from not sure the relationship is over to letting her go. He also blames himself for the relationship ending which we never see Nini even acknowledge her mistakes. The song is also one of the few moments in this show where I almost cried. After this, in episode 10, the chocolates get brought up for the first time since episode 4, and it's the next moment of Ricky and gina hiding parts of their friendship from nini, but either one of them could have told her and she, if she weren't selfish, would have understood the misunderstanding. Ricky is also, for the first time in the show not concerned with being in a relationship and instead helps Carlos fix his fight with Seb. This whole rant is just to show that Dicky actually has a tumultuous character arc as a result of constant change which is his biggest fear. He feels he needs to be in a relationship, and is just now beginning to focus on himself and on how much his parents' divorce is affecting him. He has actually been growing in a way that makes sense psychologically whereas Nini seems to be progressively getting more self focused which is okay, but the two of them were so differently focused that they were drifting apart. Ricky made mistakes, but so did Nini. I just hate how much there was no focus put on Nini's mistakes.


I really like Gina's connection with Jack. It would've been interesting to see that explored further. The chemistry is off the charts with the person she does end up with, but I would've liked to see more episodes with Jack.

Ana Karen

Keep showing love so they can continue with this journey

Dustin Duvall

Can't watch yet, but here's my like and comment so yall don't quit