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Where were YOU when you first witnessed the CGI majesty of Dwayne Johnson as THE SCORPION KING???

Reaction Highlights: https://youtu.be/n5ZtaEtojqI

Watch along: https://youtu.be/40-lNzcN4PM

More Movie Reactions: https://www.patreon.com/thereelrejects/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=Movie%20Reaction


The Mummy Returns Watchalong


mawii yoo

Yes, the cgi but since then more info has came. The CGI that was in the film was unfinished CGI. What was shown is kinda like the previx cg that they use during the rough cut of the film. Fun fact: The Rock had to lose to Stone Cold Steve Austin in Wrestlemania 17 in order to take off for 2 months to film his scenes. Also, during the movie my boy said why didn't they cut the bracelet of his arm from the beginning. Well, they explained in the movie that the bracelet chose the kid and the baddies needed the kid cuz the bracelet was showing him the way to the golden pyramid. If they cut it off they will no longer know where to go next. I had some issues with this movie. Like why will this pyramid have hieroglyphs that shows you how to kill the scorpion king. Even with issues, I love this film. Personal fun fact, this movie was the first ever DVD that I purchased at my local Blockbuster back in 2001. I had a blast then just like I did today watching it along with you two. Can't wait for next Friday to watch the 3rd Mummy movie with you two.

Casey Dixon

The fist Scorpion King "with The Rock" IS worth a watch but the other Scorpion King movies are NOT.

Simply Faded

The quality between this one and the first are very different but it is the franchise that made me love Brendan Fraser