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Hey guys! PLD here! If you look a few posts below you'll see a short video of Greg introducing me so you have a face to go with the name here! I'm not planning to rehash the video here, no worries - just go into a little detail. I am excited to be a part of the Nation. I've loved everyone of them that I got to interact with during my days with the Movie Trivia Schmoedown and I am excited to get to work with new friends as well! Most importantly, I'm excited to get to know you guys!

Specifically for this post though, I wanted to be transparent about my plans here and keep you up to date periodically on where i am with things.

FIRSTLY The Website. I have a few Phases of which I am doing things. one of the longest and most difficult of the phases is actually the first phase. I am in the midst of crawling through the website to see what is on there, what isn't, what's missing from the database. There is a large library and...well...don't tell them i said this but it wasn't organized very well :P. So unfortunately you'll have to take my word that I am hard at work because this isn't something you will see happening before your eyes. It'll be a lot of behind the scenes work. Phase 2 is where I will translate all that work into the website itself...and it's here where you will see what i am doing (and you'll get your goodies in a much easier and complete fashion! It is also at this point where I'm gonna ask for your help in helping determine what would make things easier!

Right now, I've reorganized much of the movies and are working on all the backlog of tv wathalings. Please know that I am always open to suggestions! That leads us to...

SECONDLY! DMs! DMs here are OPEN again. However there is quite a backlog. I think it would be a waste to crawl through all the older DMs, most of which are probably not even germane today! SO, I think what I'm going to do over the next few days, is I will go back to March 1st 2024. I will catch up to current from there. SO if you wrote a DM that went unanswered prior to March 1st, please resubmit the question, statement, etc. so it will get on my radar! Beyond that feel free to DM me any statement, questions, suggestion, or...whatever really!

I am an open book. Feel free to ask me anything!

I will tend to check the Patreon twice daily - I will tend to do more of my posting super late at night...but it will not be necessarily limited to that!

If you made it all the way here, I congratulate you! This may be boring to some and if you ignore it? No hurt feelings!

Thanks folks!



Matt R

Wasn't boring for me, look forward to seeing what you have planned and hope you have had a warm welcome! :)


Hi! Great post PLD, thanks for all the info. Probably the wrong post to comment this on, but what happened the to RRs Instagram? Did I miss something? It’s been a crazy week, I’ve missed a lot so if I’ve missed something, I’m so sorry.