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Get Caught Up On The Best Card In Bangkok This Year

Aside from supporting me in my career as a fighter, and helping produce the Muay Thai Library Preserve The Legacy project, this patron also supports the Muay Thai photography of my husband Kevin who is working to bring his very unique fine art and cinematic eye to Thailand's beautiful heritage. Thank you everyone who has been supporting him, and even purchased prints of his photos (all profits go to the subjects, they are non-profit to us).

We took a trip down to Bangkok earlier this month to support a huge traditional Muay Thai show at Rajadamnern. Petchyindee and other promoters were looking to turn back the clock and put on a show that was as close to the Golden Age of Muay Thai as is possible in 2023. It wasn't broadcast, it wasn't streamed. It was packed to the rafters and featured some of the best fighters in all of Thailand's stadium Muay Thai. Kevin wanted to capture it in photography.

This is Kevin's photo essay telling the story of the event in words and pictures:

The Rajadamnern Traditional Muay Thai Super Show

Read and see what he saw. It was an incredible night of Muay Thai (there are links to the entire card on video, and also to specific best fights as well. Don't miss the Khunseuklek fight, he was on a 36 fight win streak).

It's a great way to get caught up on the stadium Muay Thai of Bangkok and watch some of the best fights of the year.

These are some of the photographs of his photo essay:

Do read the whole thing.

If you enjoy his photography you can follow it day to day on his Facebook Group where he posts edits and talks about his approach to capturing Muay Thai: Kevin's Muay Thai Photography, Philosophy, Aesthetics, History & Experience - there are photos not only of legends of the sport, but covering local Thai Muay Thai gyms, and some of daily life.

Pangtor vs Khunseuklek

This was the Fight of the Night which many have called the Fight of the Year. Phenom Khunseuklek trying to extend his 36 fight win streak:

watch the full fight here  

Kevin's photography on Behance

Kevin collects his photos into photo essay albums, many of them focused on our Muay Thai Library documentary shoots:

You can view those here.



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