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(Video above) - Usually I start out my Technique Vlogs by saying that they aren't intended to be instructional or demonstrational, they're truly my ruminations and considerations about a technique that I'm currently interested in and working on. This one, however, is demonstrational in a sense, but really it's just to get your mind working so you can start working with it yourself in your own space.

A lot of us are experiencing closures, shutdowns, at-home training or limited training, etc. Shadow is, of all the elements of training, the most adaptable. You can do it anywhere, it requires no equipment, very little space, and the only limit is your mind, really. If you're starting from a place where visualization is difficult, see my Technique Vlog on that here. If you are unsure about shadowboxing, check out my Sylvie Answering Interesting Questions about getting confidence in shadowboxing here. It is worth mentioning that not everyone can create images in their minds. There's nothing wrong with this, the brain is an incredible thing and it works differently for different people. We can all feel like a muscle memory and that works here and, in fact, works better than images for clinch in particular. The more experience you have with clinch, the more you can bring into shadow clinch. But if you have limited experience, use the experience you do have. You won't become prolific via shadow clinch, but you can stay sharp and get ideas for when you have a partner again, as well as training automatic movements and reactions, such as clinch entry or turns.

I mention Arjan Pipa in this session, you can watch his video in the Muay Thai Library, search for that here. You can also get some solid clinch movements to incorporate into your shadow from the Yodwicha sessions: 

#10 The Clinch Techniques of Yodwicha - Session 2 (34 min) watch it here 

#4 Yodwicha - Clinch and Muay Khao (Knee) Specialist (35 min) - watch it here 

#99 Yodwicha Por Boonsit 3 - Spearing the Middle, Fighting With Rhythm (66 min) watch it here

If you are somewhat new to clinch you can watch my 1 hour seminar on Clinch Basics here:

watch my 1 hour seminar on clinch basics (public) here 

All my Technique Vlogs for Patrons

Check out my other Patron-only technique vlogs:

#31 Things to Try In Sparring (38 min) 

#30 Training Stiff Arms and Shoves (15 min)

#29 Training The Lead Side Only (16 min)

#28 Training Through Fatigue and the Feet (15 min)

#27 Why You Should Slow Down on the Pads (17 min)

#26 Barefist Training vs Training with Bag Gloves (18 min)

#25 The Non-Switch Lead Kick (9 min)

#24 Getting on Your Toes (13 min)

#23 How to Use Bagwork in Thailand (17 min)

#22 Guard: Palms Facing Outward (17 min)

#21 Your Ambient Footwork (15 min)

#20 Jang-wa, Rhythm and Timing (15 min)

#19  Training Ruup & Composure  (13 min)

#18   Closing the Door in Long Guar (11 min) 

#17  Static Block for Balance (9 min)

#16 The Diamond Guard (20 min)

#15 Mental Gym, Beginning to Advanced Visualization (19 min)

#14 Getting the Right Hand In (13 min)

#13 Rising on Techniques (6 min)

#12 Control of the Kick (6 min)

#11 Body Position First (11 min)

#10 All About How I Recover (12 min)

#9 Creating Power and Distance At Close Range (9 min)

#8 Where Are Your Feet? Foot Position (9 min)

#7 Evolving in the Long Guard (10 min)  

#6 The Power of Eye Contact (10 min) 

#5 Dieselnoi's Lowkick in the Clinch (12 min) 

#4 Air Knees in the Corner (8 min) 

#3 Acceleration at the End of Strikes (10 min)

#2 The Kem Pivot (12 min) 

#1 Dealing With Fear, How to Cut it Out (13 min)

Remember you can browse the entire Muay Thai Library here

All Muay Thai Library Sessions which teach clinch can be browsed here 


Sylvie's Technique Vlog - How to Train Clinch in Shadow (patreon)


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