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It is inevitable that we will get fatigued - not "tired," but truly fatigued - at some point in our training progression. The "Part 2" of this Technique Vlog is the difference between training "around" fatigue and training "through" fatigue, both of which serve a purpose - one common purpose and then differing purposes. But both can employ the "Part 1" of this Technique Vlog, which is what I'm calling "foot flexibility," mostly because I already used "get up on your toes" in a different vlog and this is not quite the same thing, so I don't want it to be confusing.

We'll go in order: foot flexibility has to do with footwork. When we get tired, we get flat-footed and the cruel irony is that this makes us more tired. It's much harder to move, you end up using more energy for less impact, and you look and feel terrible. When it's harder to move, it's easier to get hit and that makes you even more tired than just lugging yourself around does. Foot Flexibility is being on your toes, but it's not the "rise up" that I was talking about in the previous Technique Vlog about knees. When I'm exhausted, as I am when I'm filming this vlog, getting on my toes and flexing my ankles and knees makes me use less strength and energy, but it also makes me look less dead-on-my-feet to judges and my opponent. Win/win.

The Part 2 of this vlog is the difference between training through fatigue vs training around fatigue. You can do this with injuries and those examples are pretty obvious. Training around means don't kick if your leg is hurt, but do everything else. Training through means you either adjust your kick or just tough it out. Fatigue is the same. Most people want to train around fatigue by altering their intensity. (Note, taking the day off is not training "around." It's resting, which is part of training, but doesn't fit into this equation.) Training around fatigue means doing things that won't tap into your deep energy reserves. Go light; just move around a bit; don't lift weights; do half the number of rounds you normally would; only spar, etc. Training through fatigue is the opposite; it's digging into the reserves you think you don't even have. It's going through the burn to failure. Take note, this is a very valuable part of training but you will feel and look terrible. And that's okay; that's even the point. I explain in the vlog why both these methods are important and why I'm choosing to train through fatigue right now (and usually do). It's about experience, building a complete picture and planning for circumstances you cannot control. But, and this is fun, the Part 1 technique of foot flexibility is important for BOTH the around and through options. So work on that!

All my Technique Vlogs for Patrons

Check out my other Patron-only technique vlogs:

#27 Why You Should Slow Down on the Pads (17 min) 

#26 Barefist Training vs Training with Bag Gloves (18 min)

#25 The Non-Switch Lead Kick (9 min)

#24 Getting on Your Toes (13 min)

#23 How to Use Bagwork in Thailand (17 min)

#22 Guard: Palms Facing Outward (17 min)

#21 Your Ambient Footwork (15 min)

#20 Jang-wa, Rhythm and Timing (15 min)

#19  Training Ruup & Composure  (13 min)

#18   Closing the Door in Long Guar (11 min) 

#17  Static Block for Balance (9 min)

#16 The Diamond Guard (20 min)

#15 Mental Gym, Beginning to Advanced Visualization (19 min)

#14 Getting the Right Hand In (13 min)

#13 Rising on Techniques (6 min)

#12 Control of the Kick (6 min)

#11 Body Position First (11 min)

#10 All About How I Recover (12 min)

#9 Creating Power and Distance At Close Range (9 min)

#8 Where Are Your Feet? Foot Position (9 min)

#7 Evolving in the Long Guard (10 min)  

#6 The Power of Eye Contact (10 min) 

#5 Dieselnoi's Lowkick in the Clinch (12 min) 

#4 Air Knees in the Corner (8 min) 

#3 Acceleration at the End of Strikes (10 min)

#2 The Kem Pivot (12 min) 

#1 Dealing With Fear, How to Cut it Out (13 min)

Remember you can browse the entire Muay Thai Library here

This is the recent Library session with Yodkhunpon focusing on shadowboxing which will really help with this technique vlog, watch it here 


Sylvie's Technique Vlog - Training Through Fatigue and Your Feet



Watching his feet made me think of boxers using a jump rope. Is jump rope training a thing in Thailand?