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Welcome to episode 22 of the Muay Thai Bones podcast. As a patron you get the audio version (above) and the reading notes to all the interesting things that we reference in our talk. We call it the best in-depth Muay Thai podcast in the world, diving down philosophical and historical aspects of the sport. Thank you everyone for supporting this content, hope you enjoy this episode.

How to Listen or watch:

Apple & Android: Read my quick article to see how to add Muay Thai Bones podcast to Apple Podcasts or other subscription services. It's easy to do!  Just grab your personal and exclusive RSS link.

You can see all the Muay Thai Bones episodes on Patreon here.

So listen to Muay Thai Bones ep 22 on audio (above), or if you can also hang out with us in the garden (below):

watch episode 22 on YouTube here 

episode 22 - subjects and timestamps (subtract 20 seconds for the audio version)

1. The process of adding lighter sparring with the legend Yodkhunpon (8:52) on video)

2. The danger of the habit of quitting (36:33 on video)

3. The western mechanical export of Muay Thai technique - cultural extraction (1:05:16 on video)

4. The psychological burdens of always fighting up in weight (1:47:10 on video)

5.  Talking past opponents & rematching, a story about Dangkongfah (2:22:19 on video)

Reading Notes

1.Adding Lighter Sparring to My Daily Sparring with Yodkhunpon

I wrote about hard sparring in Thailand a few years ago on my blog, read that article here:

If you really want to know what the legend Yodkhunpon is like, check out the Muay Thai Library sessions with him, or the Intensive we put up on Vimeo (7 days straight of training with him):

#84 Yodkhunpon Special Intensive - The Whole Elbow Style (70 min) watch it here

No other fighter in all of Thailand has developed so complete and pressuring a style based on the weapon of elbows. In this session the Elbow Hunter of 100 Stitches presents his whole galloping style, revealing how he opens up windows for his elbows, and uses those windows to then open up attack with other weapons.

#15 Yodkhunpon "The Elbow Hunter" part 2 - Escapes  (48 min) watch it here

Part 2 of my session with one of the most feared elbow fighters of the Golden Age, Yodkhunpon Sitraipom, The Elbow Hunter of 100 Stitches. Lots of fine details in this one, escapes from clinch locks, turns and catches. Best is his floating, gentle style that also holds such violence.

#9 Yodkhunpon "The Elbow Hunter" pt 1  - Slicing Elbow (37 min) watch it here

Simultaneous Raja and Luminee title holder at 118 lbs, Yodkhunpon was one of the most feared elbow fighters in Thailand, and in this session he teaches the looseness and spacing that made his lead elbow such a viscious weapon. He also shuns the traditional rocking chair knee, and instead teaches a powerful stand-in crossing, open-hipped knee that compliments his elbows up top.

Bonus Session 9: Yodkhupon Sittraipum - Lethal Smoothness (73 min) watch it here

In this session Yodkhunpon really delves down into the smoothness of his style, with great emphasis on his galloping footwork towards the end. It's all about building a pressure style that does not strain, but rather exerts a constant music of forward attack.

the side project of Intensives:

you can purchase or subscribe the intensives here, 100% of the profits go to Karuhat & Yodkhunpon

a look at my sparring day, a film short by Kevin

watch it here  

Psychological and hormonal rawness is discuss in Muay Thai Bones #19

Muay Thai Bones Podcast #19 (Apple & Android) - Scoring Like Poker, Kemical X, Menstrual Cycles & Training

3. The western mechanical export of Muay Thai technique - cultural extraction

Kevin's forum article on brain criticality, skill development and the mechanized West:

Read it here 

4. The psychological toll of always fighting up in weight

Kevin's graphic and tweet on the average size of my opponents 

5.  Talking past opponents & rematching, a story about Dangkongfah

Mention in this section are the current WBC rankings in the minimum weight class:

you can see them here 

The Kulabdam fight can be watched here:

Fight #206 ending in the throwing in the towel to start the 4th round, 7 months before Kulabdam wins the WPMF World Title vs Gawdaa, watch it here 

*Sylvie's fought 11 fights vs the ranked fighters in this weight class, a winning record vs each. I don't think Kulabdam has fought any of the fighters in the class.

My fight with Dangkongfaa, 45 kg vs 51 kg on the scale - watch it here 

Fight 177 in Isaan, when Dangkongfah came up from the crowd to help corner for me, not even knowing me. Looks like I misremembered, she didn't get in the ring, but helped from just outside the ropes. You can watch the fight here.

Below is Dangkongfah vs (then) ONE Championship champion Alycia, watch it here, rematching after a close win.

You can always view my detailed Complete Fight record here:

my Complete Fight Record 

From our early talk about the new Sylvie Store of shirts & shorts:

You can find them all here: Sylvie Store - all apparel is non-profit to us, the profit goes to either the legends celebrated, or to the Kru Fund supporting the fighters and krus in the Muay Thai Library.

You can see descriptions of some of the specialized shirts here: https://store.8limbsus.com/

The Muay Thai Bones Podcast for Patrons

Muay Thai Bones Podcast #21 - How to Beat Saenchai, The Magic of Technique, Westerners & Aggression, Namkabuan (1 hr, 40 min)

A MTBs Podcast Shard - To Wrestle With the Angel (26 min)

Muay Thai Bones Podcast #20 - 90 Min Edition: 15 Rules for Muay Thai, Building My Own Training

Muay Thai Bones Podcast #19 (Apple & Android) - Scoring Like Poker, Kemical X, Menstrual Cycles & Training

Muay Thai Bones Podcast - #18 (Apple & Android) The End of Muay Khao, Really a Fighter?, Werewolf Within, Millimeters (2 hrs, 10 min)

Muay Thai Bones Podcast - #17 (Apple & Android) Heavy Sparring, 24/7 Ruup, Gamblers Make it Real, Thor (1 hrs, 46 min)

Wichannoi & Dieselnoi Library Coffee Podcast #9 (Apple and Android)

Muay Thai Bones Podcast - #16 (Apple & Android) High Rep Training, Diamond Guard, Sylvie 3.0, Muay Thai as Thai Male Maturity, Identity and Performance (2 hrs, 44 min)

Muay Thai Bones Podcast - #15 (Apple & Android) Fight Stacks, Heart Rate & Who Legends Respect, Covid-19 and the Future of Muay Thai, Buddhistic Yoniso (2 hrs, 54 min)

Archived Muay Thai Bones Podcast #4 (Apple & Android) - Sodium, Dieselnoi Mentoring, Shame, Switching Stance (2 hrs, 15 min)

Muay Thai Bones Podcast - #14 (Apple & Android) Comanche Warrior Culture & Muay, Buddhistic Mind, Burnout (1 hrs, 19 min)

Kru Diesel FA Group Library Coffee Podcast #8 

Muay Thai Bones Podcast - #13 (Apple & Android) The Meaning of Ruup, Intensity vs Load, Buddhistic Fight Compassion (3 hrs, 48 min)

Lakhin Wasantasit Library Coffee Podcast #7 

Muay Thai Bones Podcast - #12 (Apple & Android) Buddhist Od-ton, Instant Fight IQ, The Fate of Female Muay Thai (3 hrs, 15 min)

Samson Isaan Library Coffee Podcast #6 

Namsaknoi Library Coffee Podcast #5 

Muay Thai Bones Interviews (iTunes) - When Muay Thai Meets Dance

Tak Cho. Nateetong Library Coffee Podcast #4 

Muay Thai Bones Podcast - #11 (for iTunes) Training Violence, Sudden Growth Spurts (2 hrs, 37 min)

Napapol Giatsakchokchai Library Coffee Podcast (1 hr, 46 min) 

Muay Thai Bones Podcast - #10 (for iTunes) Losing Sweetness, "Easy Fight" Sabotage (1 hr, 23 min)

Muay Thai Bones Podcast - #9 (for iTunes) Orca, Sak Yant, Long Guard, Flow (3 hrs, 45 min)

Sagat Petchyindee Library Coffee Podcast #2 (1 hr, 37 min)

Arjan Net Library Coffee Podcast #1 (1 hr, 22 min)

Muay Thai Bones Podcast #5 - Muay Thai and Rap, Private Sessions, Thymos and Do Sleep ! (3 hrs, 4 min)

Muay Thai Bones Podcast - #8 (for iTunes) Introverts, Goggins, Long Clinch, Fight City (3 hrs, 34 min)

Muay Thai Bones Podcast - #6 (for iTunes) Clinch, Belts, Suffering (2 hrs, 46 min)

Muay Thai Bones Podcast - #7 (for iTunes) Buddhism, Sparring, Time (4 hrs)

You can get the EARLY days of Muay Thai Bones episodes, before we started creating audio streams in this video Playlist:

The Muay Thai Bones episode videos here




Can i see the shirt designs and the prices?


Hi Pablo! Thanks for the reminder, the post has been edited with that information, but you can also just hop to this page: https://8limbsus.ecwid.com/


Thanks, Sylvie! 😊

Pop Praditbatuga

You and Kevin nailed it right on the head in your description of the entire Muay Thai experience vs. the highlighted extracted components. As a horror movie fan, I often use The Exorcist to exemplify a successful scary movie. It slowly developed to familiarize the audience with a religious context and the familial relationship before jumping into the head-spinning, "I'm your mother" scene. This allows the movie to jump into your home space via familiar religious connections etc. It made it more than just a monster movie. From a spectator's perspective , today's Entertainment Muay Thai jumps right into the head-spinning scene and that leaves out a huge understanding of the sport. I used to watch fights at Lumpinee from ringside and have been blessed with watching Diesel Noi live when he fought in the U.S. In those fights, I've been blessed with seeing the warriors walk towards the ring, watching their teammates cheer from their "KaiMuay Pit" near the fighter's corner and even having other professional fighters and gamblers explain to me Ruup Muay and what they were looking for in the fighters. Many times, I've been blessed with having connections to know the fighters before they entered the ring. In those days, proper movements matter, even to the audience. So I completely understand Kevin in his preference to watch proper Muay Tae vs sloppy Muay Khao even though he loves Muay Khao. Today, even in events like Thai Fight you have well-known Thai fighters jump in madly swinging for the KO, tantamount to jumping right to the head-spinning scene in The Exorcist. Although, it's still enjoyable, it becomes more like the monster Godzilla film than the soul-stirring spiritual film that crossed over from the screen into your home. Golden Era Muay Thai was more than what was on TV. At the same time, I understand that to popularize the sport to regular audiences, highlighted-action are necessary. It's just coming at the cost of full understanding of the ruup, culture, etc. This is a deep topic from both the spectator's perspective and the practitioner's perspective. I really love the fact that you and Kevin go deep into it. Bring more of that, even if we may only grasp a percentage of it. I know that to people who are not grasping this, it may just sound like rambling. I can't even describe it correctly with this brief comment. But I'm getting it. Love it!

C Flat

You guys had a discussion about cutting out some of the running. Have you considered making deals with yourself? Meaning, I will not run today, but instead of that I will do double of (insert other workout here). Then there isn’t that feeling of cutting corners as you are choosing to work doubly hard in another area. Running can sometimes be needlessly hard on the body, when there are other forms of effective cardio. I think it is amazing that you have broken the Westerner mens and womens records for number of fights. I just want for you to stay super-healthy and break that world record! Go get ‘em! Sawadeekrap from Texas!