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This is an unusual addendum to our usual podcasting, as it's only one topic. Kevin made a film short, which he titled To Wrestle With the Angel, which is about my sparring with the Golden Age Legend Yodkhunpon. It's an enormous undertaking, sparring an hour every morning, 6 days per week for what is going on 6 months or more now. We talk about the film short, but also about what the film is attempting to capture, what it means for me, as a fighter, to "wrestle with the angel". We added the audio to the podcast selections list on Patreon, because maybe you'll like to listen to our conversation as well. 

You can watch our discussion on YouTube, as with all our podcasts (instructions on how to get the audio versions are at the bottom of this post):

watch our conversation on YouTube here 

Be sure to watch Kevin's film short which, at least for us, was so beautiful it made us both tear up, which we talk a bit about in this conversation as well:

To Wrestle With the Angel

watch the film on YouTube here 

Read Kevin's thread on Film Noir & how it can provide an aesthetic for Muay Thai photography: Film Noir and Muay Thai 

Supporting Kevin's Photography and Filmwork

Part of why we are posting this conversation here, is that the support from all our patrons has given great life to the artistic side of Kevin's photography. If you don't follow him yet, you can see him on Instagram here and find his best photography prints here on muaynoir.com (the sale of framed & unframed prints, shipping all over the world, is non-profit to us, the net profit going to the subjects of those photographed, or to the making of prints for them). 

What started as a real need to upgrade the photographic quality of the Muay Thai Library documentation, and the purchase of much better equipment, the learning of techniques, then lead to a desire to also artistically capture what is happening around the Library and in my own journey as a fighter. Kevin felt like Muay Thai photography, and film making could be expanded upon, and this film short is part of that. Your patron support has made this possible. If you'd like to discus some of his thinking on Muay Thai and Photography he started a photography sub-forum on the Roundtable Forum where you can get details.

Yodkhunpon and Footwork - A Deep Dive Into His Style

We've also been doing some work around footwork lately, all through your support. The film To Wrestle With the Angel doesn't capture the emphasis on footwork, but it catches was happens through footwork. Kevin's been editing Golden Age fights to isolate just the footwork and spacing between fighters, an area of real growth, finding just beautiful qualities that are somewhat lost to contemporary Muay Thai. We published our first footwork edit, which focused on Yodkhunpon's Lumpinee Belt fight vs Jaroensak, you can watch it here:

you can watch our first footwork edit here on YouTube 

We just did this video (above) as a Watch With Me, which invites you to see what we see. But it's the coming edits we will publish will unfold more the diverse and elegant styles of the Golden Age, helping to preserve the legacy of those fights. We include the first of these here because it compliments the film subject I think. If you don't want to miss those coming edits be sure to Subscribe to and get notifications from my channel

So thank you to everyone who is enjoying our Muay Thai Bones podcasts, our innovative study of the Golden Age and beyond, and Kevin's artistic captures of what's happening in all we are doing. You are helping make all this happen. 

Yodhunpon's Gallop and Footwork

There are several Yodkhunpon sessions in the Muay Thai Library, and you can get even 7 hours more of him in the separate Sylvie Intensive series, but the most direct instruction of his footwork comes in this bonus Library session:

watch it here: Yodkhunpon Sittraipum (Bonus Session 9) - Lethal Smoothness (72 min) 

How to Listen to the Muay Thai Bones podcast as a podcast:

Apple & Android: Read my quick article to see how to add Muay Thai Bones podcast to Apple Podcasts or other subscription services. It's easy to do!  Just grab your personal and exclusive RSS link.

You can see all the Muay Thai Bones episodes on Patreon here.

If you missed the last Muay Thai Bones podcast check it out here:

Muay Thai Bones Podcast #20 - 90 Min Edition: 15 Rules for Muay Thai, Building My Own Training 




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