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Another insanely amazing podcast clocking in at 4 hours. Come with us as we drive from Phatthailong in the South of Thailand, talking all things deep and of concern to us, and hopefully our listeners and supporters too! The audio is above, or you can watch it all on YouTube.

This is a podcast episode many have been waiting for, as we talk about some of what I'm doing to track possible differences in pain & fear responses (the amygdala) during my menstrual cycle. This is a, as far as I know, completely unexplored area of female (& people who menstruate) fighters that could be really important to how we train and how we fight. You can check out my vlog on the subject to get acquainted to the idea, and then take a deep dive in this epic podcast. This is not only important for fighters who menstruate, but also any coaches of such fighters, or if you care for them. 

Thank you to everyone who supports these long drives, and has the patience and passion to listen to these long podcasts. People who share my fire. 

Apple & Android: Read my quick article to see how to add Muay Thai Bones podcast to Apple Podcasts or other subscription services. It's easy to do!  Just grab your personal and exclusive RSS link.

You can see all the Muay Thai Bones episodes on Patreon here.

So listen to Muay Thai Bones ep 18 on audio (above), or if you can also hang out with us on our drive from Bangkok to Pattaya on YouTube video (below):

watch this podcast on YouTube here

Reading Notes for Episode 19

There aren't a lot of reading notes on this episode, if you hear the need for something referenced in the podcast let us know in comments.

The Topics

1. How Thailand’s Muay Thai is scored more like poker

2. My new fight name: Kemical X & the impact of names

3. Fighters & the menstrual cycle: fear, sensitivity & the amygdala

4. Making peace with difficult to change techniques

5. Taking dairy out of my diet

6. Long term ethics & effects of offensive fight promotions

The Muay Thai Bones Podcast Shirts

Kevin mentions the Muay Thai Bones shirt made for us by Bleeding Edge gear. These, like all my apparel, are non-profit for us, 100% of the net profit going to the Kru Fund supporting the legends and fighters documented in the Muay Thai Library project

Get yours here 

The Pairojnoi Interview

talking about how in the Golden Age entertainment as a fighter was more important

watch it here on YouTube 

The Namphon vs Samart fight (under extreme edit) referenced by Kevin where Samart just Poker-plays his way to relaxed dominance (below):

watch it here on YouTube 

Hiding Your Weakness as a Fighter

Pop culture reference. We mention the hiding of your weakness as found in the classic Kung Fu film Fist of the White Lotus. In this end scene the location of the weakness of unbeatable evil Paimei watch it here 

Sweeping of leaves Techniqie Vlog

watch it here on YouTube 

Hippy's Visit with Dieselnoi

watch in here on YouTube 

Ruup Technique Vlog

watch it here on YouTube 

The Clue period tracker 

the app I use to track my period, find it here 

Roundtable Forum menstrual cycle thread 

the two different brain pathways of processing pain in the two phases of the menstrual cycle (graphic, above)

a spread sheet of the roughly divided differing sensitivities by amygdala hemisphere and menstrual cycle as gleaned from a study thread (graphic, below):

my spreadsheet for tracking my experiences during an hour of daily difficult sparring, the categories I rate from 1-10 to uncover menstrual patterns. 

You can read the studies in the Roundtable thread Kevin created on phases and the amygdala, and add your own thoughts and experiences, and studies you too find interesting:

see that thread here 

The FightSite Article on the Ethics of offense emphasis promotions

read that article here 

 My Story of the 1+1 Keto Diet Discussion on the forum

read and discuss this here 




maybe the dairy intollerance is linked to the hormones that are carried by the fats in it. give a try at organic cheese XD