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Aside from my Muay Thai Library sessions, magazine-like articles, technique vlogs and other exclusive features (see everything here), I'm trying to also produce regular episodes on a documentary series I'm calling Kaimuay Diaries. This is the 4th episode of that series that attempts to look at the everyday realities of my kaimuay (kaimuay is Thai for "Muay Thai camp"). In this episode I return to Lumpinee, traveling with my gym Petchrungruang's fighters, like in episode 3, but this time I try to give my perspective as an outsider to the process, as a female. Women are not allowed to touch the ring of Lumpinee, for superstitious fear, but one of boys fighting in this show, was basically trained for his Lumpinee fight by using me as his pacehorse in the gym. This episode explores that contradiction a little, and also gives insight into the shades of tradition and boredom that are involved in Thai fighters fighting at that honored stadium. 

As a little background, I've made it my goal to fight, not only at Lumpinee, which would involve social change because currently this is not possible, but to win a belt at Lumpinee. You can read about that goal here.

Watch other episodes in the series here:

Kaimuay Diary - Video Series - this is an informal record of the everyday life and training of my gym in Pattaya, one of the few remaining official "kaimuay" - a Thai gym which founds its business on the raising of Thai stadium fighters, and not focusing on training westerners.

Kaimuay Diaries - Episode 1  | Maintenance Mode (29 min) - a quiet look at the top stadium fighters at the gym in a typical maintenance mode day. With no fights coming up the training is light, communal and playful. watch it here 

Kaimuay Diaries - Episode 2  | At the Edge of the Gym (46 min) - in this episode I follow the training of young cousins Gang Gat and Bao, two Thai fighters working their way into becoming fighters for the gym. The oldest one Gang Gat is contracted, the younger Bao is just developing. It's a chance to see how it is that Thai boys work their way into becoming stadium fighters watch it here 

Kaimuay Diaries - Episode 3  | Going To Lumpinee (46 min) - Lumpinee fighting isn't always what we hold in our imagination. Come with my gym to Lumpinee Stadium and learn what it is like for our Thai fighters, from 4 AM in the morning when we leave, til fighting at 7 PM and back in the van. watch it here 

click here to see the full contents of the Muay Thai Library 


Kaimuay Diaries Lumpinee 2 The Outsider vf

Join and Study the Muay Thai Library documentary project: Preserve The Legacy: https://www.patreon.com/posts/muay-thai-uncut-7058199 suggested pledge $5 for in-depth On Demand videos: sylviestudy.com #MuayThai #Thailand #Techniques



I love this series


I hope to watch you at Lumpinee one day Sylvie. I appreciated what you said about being female, having to be that much better in order to enjoy the privileges men get to enjoy on a regular basis. A reflection of society as it is currently, and you're an inspiration for women everywhere to break through more glass ceilings. The sentiment of this video was very calm, or that is how I interpreted it. Is is frustrating to you to not be included in places like these? I was a little frustrated for you! In any case, I'm loving this series and I'm cheering for you from afar!