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STUDY Mental Training with Me. Starting October 4th/5th.

 [edit: I've just opened a Facebook Group sharing around this reading group as well - become a member here]

I've  been talking about it for a while now, I'm just going to go for it. I'm starting a reading group on the mental training classic, The Inner Game  of Tennis. You can get yourself a Kindle copy here for $13. It's highly recommended, and very digestible. It's not a long book and each chapter is quite short, but it's filled with great wisdom and immediately usable concepts. Although this book is about tennis, the techniques and concepts are 100% applicable to Muay Thai or many other things in life.

I've never done a reading group before, so we'll learn as we go but my thoughts going into it are like this: The first streaming session (October 4th/5th, depending on time zone), will just be an intro hangout, just to prepare the reading group and cover some of the general things I've learned in my own mental training work, then once a week we will be discussing 2 chapters of the book in the webinar/chat format. So the 10 chapters will be covered in about 5 weeks. In each webinar/chat I'll be offering my insight on how I have experienced those two chapters for myself, as I have tried to integrate those observations into my training. And afterwards we'll have an open back-and-forth discussion session, where you can share your perspective, and ask questions if you like. I want us to read the book and reflect on it together. I'm not an expert or a certified mind coach or anything like that, but I can share with you what I've experienced, and maybe it will be insightful to you; this is a beautiful book to walk through together. I have no idea how many will want to participate, but right now the limit is 100 active participants. 

The webinar chat will be run through the ZOOM app, you can download it for free to your phone or your at home desktop/laptop. I've worked with it several times, it seems dependable and pretty easy to use. It can give us screens a little like this, has text chat and call in options: 

This is reading group open to all $10 patrons or above (if you are not at $10 you can easily edit your pledge up to participate). The links to the live discussion will be shared here on Patreon, generally about 15 minutes before the schedule start time. The first webinar introductory chat will start at 10:30 am Friday Thai time, which is 11:30 pm EST (USA) time on October 5th/4th, and will run for maybe an hour. The first meeting won't cover any chapters in the book, it's just an introduction and a bit of a "what will this be about" kind of thing, so if you haven't bought the book yet or had time to read, come to that introductory meeting anyway, please. We'll start the first two chapters on the following week. I'll definitely be talking about my own experiences and I welcome questions. If you come to this post after a few of the meetings have passed, it's not a problem, you can jump right in, just catch up on the reading. 

For those interested in additional materials I'll be drawing parallels between the Inner Game of Tennis and rudimentary Vipassana mediation principles. There is a strong correlation between the two.  Reading on that will be suggested too. a chance to work on perhaps the most important and difficult dimension of Muay Thai and fighting, and to do it together. You can get an updated Kindle copy of here The Art of Living: Vipassana Meditation, for $7.

I'm excited about this! These are the kinds of experimental things I can try out with the support of everyone on Patreon. The mental side of things is so very important, and for a long time I struggled with even knowing how to begin, or how to measure my progress. My work is still on going, in some ways this is the challenge of life itself. Maybe together we can get a little further down the path. 

So as a $`10 patron or more look for the posting of the link to join me live, Friday October 5th, 10:30 AM Thai time. Or, for the recording of that session, as I post that on Patreon as well.  If you have thoughts on what will make this reading group great, feel free to post your thoughts in comments.

If you're not a patron yet, it's easy to sign up! As a patron you get loads of exclusive content, and access to the greatest archive of Thai technique The Muay Thai Library 

You can also subscribe to my new mental training reading group email list here:

You can also follow updates on the reading group on my Mental Training Facebook Page, if you like.




I’m so bummed I missed this! Will there be other reading groups like this in the future?