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Vote and Tell Me What's Been Amazing

The Muay Thai Library project is developing into a powerful resource and archive, but to make it even better we need to hear feedback from you! I'm giving away a pair of brand new Thaismai 6 oz laceup gloves (my favorite training glove). They'll be signed or unsigned, that's up to you. To enter all you have to do is tell me which Library session was your favorite, and why! 

This is how to do it:

Vote for your Favorite Session here 

 << log in through Facebook, or twitter or any of the other ways they give you. 

 1. "Like" (thumbs up) any of the Muay Thai Library sessions that you've enjoyed, there is no limit to how many you can vote up, but to enter leave a comment on the ONE session that you've liked the best. In your comment explain why you liked it best. In your comment write  "Favorite Session" so I'll know that you want to be entered.

2.  IMPORTANT - in your comment make sure you have the name you use for Patreon. If you have a different name, make sure you type the name you use.  

There are two pages in the voting form, be sure to look at both pages.

Feedback - This is a way for me to get an idea of which sessions you get the most out of, and why (so I can shoot more of sessions like those), and  also to help new patrons figure out which sessions they might want to make sure they don't miss. Your thumbs up on sessions and top vote recommendations matter. All the sessions listed are linked to their Patreon post, so in voting you might also run into a session that you haven't watched yet.

You can leave informative comments on any and all of the sessions you've seen, more feedback is always helpful. Just make sure you comment on the session you like the best including the words "Favorite session" so I can count the entry.

Not every single session is in the list, but most are, so if one you liked is missing let me know and I can add it. The top 25 sessions are on the first page, there is a 2nd page you can vote on as well.

If you have any ideas on what would make a good prize to add to the giveaway feel free to suggest them in private message or in comments below. I'll be looking to add 2nd and 3rd place prizes in the giveaway.  As to these gloves, I'll sign them or  leave them unsigned, it's up to you!  

It will just take a couple of minutes: Vote for your Favorite Session here and check out what sessions other patrons liked, and why.

The voting will be open until September 10th [updated]. 

As always, thanks for your continued support, helping build a one of a kind archive of the great techniques and fighters of Thailand. There are already over 50 hours of video archived. Click here to see the complete list of the archive.

Don't forget, as a patron there is also all this exclusive content aside from the Muay Thai Library project: Table of Contents 




There's no way to choose a favorite. CHOK DEE!!! to all who enter


I have only seen two and it’s really impossible to tell which One I like because if both are good then I wonder what the rest are like? Sorry just keep doing whatever


All are good in their own ways it depends on the individual interests and what they want to learn through this journey with Muay Thai.


"TECHNIQUE KARUHAT!!!" best one yet


Sagat’s part 1 and 2. The reason is I have backgorund in wing chun that looks a lot like muay thai from the golden age, and his style of keeping everything tight and all coming from the same angle (straight punch, hook or elbow) making the adversary know wich is the attack only when is too late...well, it’s priceless. Awesome, the guy is awesome.


Make sure you vote on the list, so I can enter you in the giveaway! Feel free to describe the sessions you love there too.


Good morning . I do not bet on any favorite, each one of the Kru is special in his style. Congratulations from Spain for your work Sylvie.