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It's almost too much to talk about, but if you take a look at the new site sylviestudy.com you'll see what is going on. We've created an entirely new website just to host projects of very intensive learning, content far beyond what even the Muay Thai Library is archiving. The first project is called Karuhat Intensive, and it will document my daily training with legend Karuhat Sor. Supawan recording as much of his very subtle style as possible. There will be lots of free materials and videos but the core of the documentation will be On Demand long form commentary videos just like I am doing for the Muay Thai Library project, but published more or less daily. On Sylvie Study there will also be (near) real time training vlogs, articles on my training, and video clips. Maybe we can even do live video conference calls. The idea is to get you as close as possible to this intense month of learning, but also to put it in an archived place so it can be studied a year from now, or even 30 years from now. A tremendous thank you to all my patrons whose support and enthusiasm even makes the idea of this possible. It's a huge undertaking, and I'm indebted to Tim, a patron and friend, who helped put the website up in a very short amount of time, and of course my husband Kevin who worked his ass off to put it altogether.

If you don't want to miss a thing you can subscribe to the Sylvie Study project and get notifications when new material is published. Note: over the next month there is going to be a lot published, more than one post a day.

It's important to know that this is in addition to, and not a replacement of, the work I'm already doing on the Muay Thai Library project. I'm still publishing at least 2 sessions a month, and the patron only articles as always. I just have a very special opportunity to train intensively with legends and I'm doing my best to try to bring you along with me. 

Know that the Sylvie Study project is supported by you my patrons. You make this possible. Below are promocode links for discounts when purchasing the On Demand long form commentary video - we aim for there to be over 45 hours filmed and voiced.

You can go straight to the On Demand page which I just launched. The videos will also be posted on the Sylvie Study website.  

Videos can be purchased separately (rental for 48 hours, bought for download to your computer), or you can subscribe to the channel for full access. The videos will stay up more or less indefinitely. 

15% promocode for $5 patrons 

50% promocode for $15 patrons 

It's not just the long form videos, or even the Karuhat intensive project. The Sylvie Study website was created for the Karuhat Intensive in mind, but it's purpose goes far beyond that. It's a home for projects like that. While in Bangkok in April I will also be training with all time great, former WBC world boxing champion Chatchai Sasakul. All of that will be filmed, and eventually, when I have the time, voiced with commentary. That will be  another Intensive. And I'd like to maybe put a Mental Training Reading Group on Sylvie Study too. Basically, if you can't get enough of Muay Thai and there is no limit to the details you are willing to study, Sylvie Study is the place where its happening. 




It's a fantastic idea, but for me, i can't justify the price right now. Will I be able to watch from the beginning if I subscribe later?


There will be lots of free content on sylviestudy.com. The long-form videos will always be there on Vimeo, at least as far as I can see. So at anytime you can subscribe (which gives you access to all of them), or you can rent individual sessions for 48 hours, or buy them singly for download - using your patron discount.


so this is a little bit confusing and possibly somewhat disheartening. aside from being a monthly donating patreon member now there will be another on demand charge to see some of your stuff?


I don't really understand Jim. I feel the Muay Thai Library is by far the fairest offer of content on the internet. Over 40 hours of commentary videos for $10 a month. I purposively keep this cost very low so the greatest number of people can access it. If I have the opportunity to create more content, in this case (to give you some idea) something that will cost me more than $6,000 and probably 200 hours of labor to do, then I also have to experiment with different ways to make that happen. And in doing this I can also generate income for the kru. Karuhat will recieve 55% of all profits. This is important to me. This is a separate offer and patrons get a discount because they (you) support all the work I do to produce new and interesting content on Patreon. Everything I have on here isn't anywhere else. Nobody else is doing what I do, so there's no road map and I make it up as I go, trying to make things better or do more. This is that kind of experiment or creative turn, to see whether I can or should continue with this kind of content. What I don't understand about your comment is that I've taken nothing away - everything the Patreon descriptions promise is still there - this is something more, additional, extra.


Some techniques and secrets, you just have to pay top dollar for. I have a feeling I wont be disappointed.


Was a little sad knowing we'll have to pay for this :( but reading the reasoning and the fact that 55% will go to the Kru directly more than makes up for it. Your content is very in depth and has helped me tremendously, definitely some of the best stuff online! I will not hesitate to support this new site. Thanks so much for everything so far Sylvie, can't wait for all that's to come!


Thanks for that Alex! I know it's a bit of a change, but I do think there are good reasons for it, and it will be very, very indepth, because it's daily training. Thanks for your support, and glad the Library has been helping so far. :)


So how much these vimeo videos costs? Im interested to become 15$ supporter first to try. And the vimeo videos how it works i pay and download or have unlimited streams for it? And huge appreciation for what you do, has gotten me serious with Muay Thai, to see these legends with their styles. 🙏


The vimeo Intensive ppv videos are a separate group of videos. You can access them in two ways. You can either purchase individual videos (see the prices here: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/sylviestudy ) which allows you to download individual ones, and watch them anytime and forever, or you can "subscribe" which means you have unlimited streaming of the collection, as long as you are subscribed.