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It's not easy to find your way around all my Patreon content, here's a guide! [updated regularly]

It's my hope to provide my supporters with all sorts of content, making this Patreon the most enjoyable, inspiring and informative Muay Thai site on the internet. Not only are you supporting me as a fighter and a writer, but also a journalist attempting to change what is possible in the sport. By sharing unique perspectives and hard to find information, the entire Muay Thai Community becomes enriched; and as the heritage of Thailand's Muay Thai is celebrated in a meaningful way, its longevity is insured. 

Knowledge First

One of my enduring passions, from the start, has been to share true Muay Thai techniques. As someone who trained more or less alone for a long time, there was a real need (and hunger) for authentic techniques. This is partly why I began the Muay Thai Library documentary project, so that people all over the world can come in touch with the brilliance and nobility of Thailand's techniques, directly from the legendary fighters who currently carry them. You can see a full table of contents of the Muay Thai Library Preserve The Legacy project here. With over 36 hours of commentary footage (and a hoped for eventual 100 hours), this is becoming the most exhaustive and detailed record of Thailand's great fighters & teachers, and their techniques.

 TABLE of CONTENTS: Muay Thai Library   

In addition to this knowledge base, becoming my supporter gives you inside access to my experiences as a female fighter with over 200 fights. Exclusive patron-only articles and features that may enrich and empower you as a lover of Muay Thai. Below is a regularly updated table of contents for these.

$1 Supporters - the suggested pledge is $5, but even at $1 there are a lot of benefits and features. You not only are able to study the 5 most recent Muay Thai Library sessions, you get the following:

MUAY THAI BONES Podcast audio

The most in-depth podcast on Muay Thai in the world! Come drive across Thailand with Kevin and me as we discuss all things Muay Thai in epic podcasts like no other.

Apple & Android: Read my quick article to see how to add Muay Thai Bones podcast to Apple Podcasts or other subscription services. It's easy to do!  Just grab your personal and exclusive RSS link. 

You can see all the Muay Thai Bones episodes on Patreon here.

ARTICLES - Patreon Magazine

  • Patron Only Articles - These articles are written specially for my patrons and are my attempts to expand as a writer. They are full of richer descriptions, and take on themes not always talked about in the experience of being a fighter. I try to publish at least one a month.

The Weight of Sadness - Tongchai and Kru Nu  - Watching this fight had such a powerful effect on me, two generations of a family rocked by the death of a brother, and uncle. Tongchai pouring his heart out like no other time I had seen him when in the ring.

Lumpinee and One Day Fighting There - A Story  - One of my deepest goals is to bring about enough change in Thailand that women will be able to fight at Lumpinee, and for one day for me to be a part of that. In this story I tell how that change is already happening.

The Power of Touch - A Family of Men  - Thai men touch each other a lot as part of their bond. As a female in a male space I have to spend a lot of time cutting myself from almost all physical contact, the two come together in this story.

The Jade Dragon Set - The Nature of the Boys  - My favorite fighters in the gym may be the Jade Dragon Set, a group of young boys that come trouncing through the gym after school and just being amazing kids. Read about their wonderfulness here.

Pi Nu's Hands - What is

Pi Nu's Hands - What is Good? - My meditation on the lesson I learned about the nature of being "good", as taught to me by my trainer Kru Nu. It was one of those Kung Fu master moments that you might see in a movie, when the teacher explains something so profound, yet so simple. This can change your life.

Little Blue Champion - The Next Generation of Fighters - I'm just taken by a little blue fighter at a local fight in Chiang Mai, round, pudgy, a complete visual underdog. It speaks to coming of age as a fighter. read it here  

Alley Tears: The First Time I Cried After a Fight In a Long While - it had been years since I had cried after a fight, maybe even ever, but something in me broke down after a loss to a World Champion several weight classes above me. read it here 

The Storm That Overtakes The Boy - Giving In | The storm within us, the storm outside of us. It is our choice. Or, this could be called "Learning to ride the donkey, and not look for the donkey." read it here 

Insisting On Left - The Space Between Pi and Kru | The story of how it is a delicate balance with my Kru when insisting on changing my stance to southpaw read it here 

Arjan Surat: The Unbreakable Breaker of Bangkok | Maybe the toughest, hardest man in Thailand. Arjan Surat is 63 and made of the stuff that feels like it's from 100 years ago. The unbreakable breaker. read it here  

When I First Met Dieselnoi: A Giant in my Soul | The powerful impression the legendary Dieselnoi made on me right from the start, a resonating impact that has made on me as a person. read it here  

The Perfection of Festival Fights in Thailand | A trip to the clinic to receive a boosting IV leaves me drifting through thoughts of belonging, as I listen to my kru talk about me to the nurse. read it here 

Cheet Yaa - "if there were no cuts it wouldn't be Sylvie" | A trip to the clinic to receive a boosting IV leaves me drifting through thoughts of belonging, as I listen to my kru talk about me to the nurse. read it here 

The Hurting Game - The Psychology of Hurt | Even though I've fought over 200 times being the one who hurts others, that the game is hurting, is still a psychology I need to embrace. read it here 

A Girl and Her Bag - the Intimacy of Work | Every fighter who has spent a long amount of time in the gym has to fall in love with their bag - how bagwork contains its own beauty. read it here 

Jai Rohn - My Story of Blood, My Pride and Stitches | My heart was racing, I was upset at my performance, and then there was the pain of stitches, more painful than any stitches I've had before. read it here 


  • Full Fight Videos with Audio Commentary - I've posted video of every single one of my 200+ fights, and each is live streamed on my Facebook Page, but many readers and fans have come to love watching these fight videos with my commentary - you can watch an example here.  These commentaries not only share the fight experience, but everything going on around the fight, putting you there in the moment fighting in Thailand. In them I talk about the tactics I'm using and corrections I'm attempting to make, so you can see the "work in progress", much of that work flowing from my work in the Library. I've now made all new commentary videos exclusive for patron supporters. Below is a list of those published so far.

Fight 177 vs Nantidaa Sitweerachat - festival fights are some of the best experiences and opponents I've had in Thailand, and in this fight I went up against a big strong clinch fighter who was going to test my inside strengths. watch it here 

 Fight 176 vs Thanonchanok Kaewsamrit  - two days after fighting Yodying (below), I faced the 51 kg World Champion Thanonchanok, an expert at controlling and winning rounds and managing the pace. One of my favorite fighters to face, a real challenge.  watch it here  

Fight 175 vs Yodying Sor. Sumalee  - vs a fighter I had fought many, many times in my early days in Chiang Mai. Kind of a benchmark fight for me watch it here  

Fight 174 vs Nong Mat Huasarayiam  - vs a strong clinch-fighting Isaan opponent, beautiful festival fight watch it here 

Fight 173 vs Zaza Sor. Aree - vs a former world champ, many kilos larger watch it here 

$5 Supporters - $5 is the suggested pledge. It includes all the content above, plus the 15 most recent Muay Thai Library project sessions with legends. It goes a long way towards supporting my fighting as I travel across Thailand, sharing the experience as I go through writing.  

My Technique Vlogs! 

These are long form video discussions of techniques I'm working on in my development as a fighter, many of them drawn from the sessions I'd filmed with legends for the Muay Thai Library. These aren't "demo" videos, but rather talking about techniques, what they mean, how to use them, problems that might develop, and creative ways to incorporate new knowledge. I really like doing them, I hope you get a lot out of them.

#15 Train Yourself Anywhere (15 min) 

#14 Getting the Right Hand In (13 min) 

#13 Rising on Techniques (6 min) 

#12 Control of the Kick (6 min) 

#11 Body Position First (11 min) 

#10 All About How I Recover (12 min) 

#9 Creating Power and Distance At Close Range (9 min) 

#8 Where Are Your Feet? Foot Position (9 min) 

#7 Evolving in the Long Guard (10 min) 

 #6 The Power of Eye Contact (10 min)  

#5 Dieselnoi's Lowkick in the Clinch (12 min)  

#4 Air Knees in the Corner (8 min)  

#3 Acceleration at the End of Strikes (10 min) 

#2 The Kem Pivot (12 min)  

#1 Dealing With Fear, How to Cut it Out (13 min) 


  • Muay Thai Burnouts - these are burnouts designed to push real Thai techniques into powerful 10 minute burns, so that if you are pressed for time you can still reach new levels in your Muay Thai, or so you can make your current workouts even more productive and harder. Conditioning and technique in one.

Sylvie's 10 Minute Elbow Burnout #1 - this burnout is about letting loose with your elbows, creating flow by making use of fatigue watch it here 

Sylvie's 10 Minute Block Burnout #1 - this burnout is focused on increasing your block speed, so you can power through fatigue and still get your blocks up watch it here 

$10 Supporters - $10 patrons not only get full access to over 40 hours of Muay Thai Library sessions, the entire archive - see a full table of contents of the Library here -  they are significantly supporting that documentary project, making it happen. This archive I believe is historic work that will affect generations of practitioners. It is important to preserve these techniques and the men that teach them (and fought with them), as Muay Thai is changing - it is a living art.


Interviews with Legends - (English subs) - we've made it a project to start interviewing legends of the sport from the Golden Age to hear strait from them how they see contemporary Muay Thai, and also to build an oral history of the fighting lives of the Golden Age.

Interview with Dieselnoi - On the State of Muay Thai  (18 min, English subs) - Dieselnoi, the King of Knees, talks about the problems he sees in the current state of Muay Thai and reflects upon his famous Fighter of the Year fight versus Samart Payakaroon, when he suffered an enormous weight cut.  watch it here 

Kaimuay Diary - Video Series - this is an informal record of the everyday life and training of my gym in Pattaya, one of the few remaining official "kai muay" - a Thai gym which founds its business on the raising of Thai stadium fighters, and not focusing on training westerners.

Kaimuay Diaries - Episode 1  | Maintenance Mode (29 min) - a quiet look at the top stadium fighters at the gym in a typical maintenance mode day. With no fights coming up the training is light, communal and playful. watch it here 

Kaimuay Diaries - Episode 2  | At the Edge of the Gym (46 min) - in this episode I follow the training of young cousins Gang Gat and Bao, two Thai fighters working their way into becoming fighters for the gym. The oldest one Gang Gat is contracted, the younger Bao is just developing. It's a chance to see how it is that Thai boys work their way into becoming stadium fighters watch it here  

Kaimuay Diaries - Episode 3  | Going To Lumpinee (46 min) - Lumpinee fighting isn't always what we hold in our imagination. Come with my gym to Lumpinee Stadium and learn what it is like for our Thai fighters, from 4 AM in the morning when we leave, til fighting at 7 PM and back in the van. watch it here 

Kaimuay Diaries - Episode 4 | The Outsider (51 min) - I return to Lumpinee Stadium coming to support a fighter I helped push and train for his fight there, this time with a documentary view of my own experiences as being both included and excluded in the process. watch it here 

 Kaimuay Diaries - Episode 5 | Dieselnoi In the House Part 1 (52 min)   In this episode I follow Dieselnoi and his impact on Alex, one of the Petchrungruang fighters, at Rajadamnern stadium. Alex has been featured in previous Kaimuay Diaries, an Italian boy who has been raised like a Thai boy since he was 12. Now 17, Dieselnoi wanted to make make him more intense and forward fighting. You get to see Dieselnoi's passion, and listen to Pi Nu talk about what it has been like having a legend like Dieselnoi in his family's gym.  watch it here 

Kaimuay Diaries - Episode 6 Dieselnoi In The House Pt 2: Bank (47 min) this is "Part 2," focusing on Bank and Dieselnoi's dedication to him, leading up to a fight at Rajadamnern that was a step up for Bank. If he won, it would push him into a next level of opponents. You can see the difference between Dieselnoi's training of Alex and his training of Bank, but you can see the similarities as well. Mostly it's just amazing to watch how f***ing much Dieselnoi puts into everything.  watch it here 

Mental Training For Muay Thai Reading Group:

Reading the mental training classic The Inner Game of Tennis together, chapter by chapter with video conference discussion:

Mental Training Reading Group - The Introduction (+Vipassana) watch it here 

Mental Training With Me - Chapters 1 & 2 (1 hour, 17 min)  watch it here 

Mental Training With Me - Chapters 3 and 4 (1 hr) watch it here 

Mental Training With Me - Chapters 5 & 6 (1 hr 24 min) watch it here 

chapters 7 & 8 pending

to go along with this we also started a Mental Training for Muay Thai Reading group on Facebook which anyone can join.

$15 Supporters - $15 patrons are super supporters, and I cannot thank you enough. You are making everything I'm doing possible with a generous pledge and I'll do my best to make the most of your support. Fighting, traveling, filming, training: it all comes from you, my patrons. 

$15 Supporter Bonus Material - Beyond The Library

4 Legends Seminar in Bangkok (120 min) - a lengthy edit of a Preserve The Legacy 4 Legends Seminar we put on with 4 of the greatest fighters Thailand has ever produced, a first of its kind event. Dieselnoi, Karuhat, Namkabuan and Chatchai come together to impart their knowledge to passionate nak muay. watch it here 

Slo-Mo Geek Outs - patient slow motion, and stop footage examination of sections of the Muay Thai Library, really digging into details, but also the thrill of some of the deep knowledge found in these segments.

  • Slo-Mo Geek Out - Rambaa Clinch Session (60 min) watch it here 

GO TO the full Muay Thai Library documentary project Table of Contents 

You can also easily browse through all my Patreon content using convenient filters. Just go to the post tab on the homepage.  Every tag containing "MTL" is a Muay Thai Library session. You can filter sessions of only a certain kind. Also my articles, and fight videos can be found this way too. [EDIT: Newly added is a search bar on the "posts" page, search the entire Patreon by keyword! - thank you Patreon for adding this.]

In all, thank you very much to everyone supporting me, and those considering offering support as well. I'm also very open to suggestions about creative content I can do. My plate is super full with everything I'm writing and filming for you guys, and my full-time training and fighting, but I'm always open to ideas.





this is perfect


this is fantastic thank you x