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Helping Those Short On Time Improve and Thrive

Welcome to my first burnout. I’m creating a Fitness & Workout section to my Patreon to complement the Muay Thai Library documentary material, and so you can put to use some of the internal principles I’ve discovered in my own training with these great fighters and krus. The idea is that each Burnout will be organized around a particular technique, but really pushing with high repetition and fatigue so that it wears grooves and muscle memory more deeply. It’s been my experience that technique expressed in times of fatigue tends to set in more, and when you’re tired is when you need your technique to be its best. But these are not technique “drills” where you really focus on precision, so don’t stress so much about “getting it right” in the beginning. They are much more explorations of principles related to techniques. So each Burnout is about trying to build internal connections between movements; it’s much less about being exact, which can produce tension, and more about accurately pushing the technique during fatigue. 

These Burnouts can be used both for those who don’t have much time to workout and so want something high impact and in a brief amount of time that still improves technique, and also those who want to add the Burnouts to an already full workout to bring in variety, and test yourself against them. They force you to control your breathing, the accuracy of technique, and the speed and looseness with which we execute them. All important Muay Thai factors. In a sense they are training the conditions of techniques.

The 10 Minute Elbow Burnout #1

  • 1:00 Speed Shadow Elbows
  • 0:30 Arm Breakers
  • 1:00 Speed Shadow Elbows
  • 0:30 Arm Breakers
  • 1:00 Speed Shadow Elbows
  • 1:00 Power Bag Elbows
  • 1:00 Burpees
  • 1:00 Power Bag Elbows
  • 1:00 Burpees
  • 1:00 Power Bag Elbows
  • 1:00 Burpees

You Will Develop Speed and Looseness

In this first Burnout things to look for are a general sense of freedom in the twisting of the Speed Shadow Elbows. This is something I learned from “The Elbow Hunter” Yodkhunpon, who is in the Library. To be an elbow fighter you just have to love elbows, and part of that is feeling the full range of motion of the twist in repeated elbows. So, when doing these shadow elbows focus mostly on this fuller, loose twisting. Yes, the elbows should be done roughly in proper technique, but we are letting go of technique here, to some degree, in order to reach for the freedom. As you improve in the twisting, then pull the technique back in, getting more and more accurate. Ideally in the first half of the Burnout you are feeling the relentlessness of repeated elbows.

You Will Develop Power and Control

In the second half of this Burnout the shell of the guard hand and the power of your elbow is the real focus. Here technique is more important because you want to elbow coming “out of” your guard position, with distinct head lean, rather than reaching with just the arm. These two aspects of elbows complement each other, on either end of the spectrum.

WATCH: Burnout link with music 

WATCH: Video of Tips that can help with the basics of techniques involved 

Be sure to warm up and stretch out before this Burnout!

Let me know how the burnout works for you! I'm looking to build a library of these 10 Minute Burnouts for my patrons to make your workouts both fun and progressive.


Sylvie's 10 Minute Elbow Burnout #1 with commentary

Join and Study uncut training videos with analysis: Muay Thai Library: https://www.patreon.com/posts/muay-thai-uncut-7058199 suggested pledge $5 Visit http://8limbs.us/ for my articles on Muay Thai.





I can't read the overview of the intervals. Can you post it here or put it in the video for 5 seconds. Cheers


Which intervals do you mean? These? The 10 Minute Elbow Burnout #1 1:00 Speed Shadow Elbows 0:30 Arm Breakers 1:00 Speed Shadow Elbows 0:30 Arm Breakers 1:00 Speed Shadow Elbows 1:00 Power Bag Elbows 1:00 Burpees 1:00 Power Bag Elbows 1:00 Burpees 1:00 Power Bag Elbows 1:00 Burpees


Great intervals thank you.The shadow elbows are fantastic..


Hi Sylvie! Is there a specific technique that you're using to slow down your breathing? I'm usually panting like a racehorse after about 10 burpees.


It's more about when you slow your breathing than simply slowing the breathing. Pi Nu makes me do these burns where it's 30 seconds of kicks with 30 seconds of pushups in between. so you have to do your slowed breathing during the pushups because it's not possible to catch your breath during kicks. So I breathe out slowly when I'm horizontal in burpees, breathing in during the standing and jumping part. But outside of the burnouts you can learn to control your breathing through "box breathing", which is counting to 4 on the inhale, holding for 4, exhale for 4, hold for 4 and repeat. You count until you're breathing like this without having to count. It makes getting your breath under control under pressure situations MUCH easier and faster.


Nice work. Will add to my routine. Love the elbow reps. Even without a bag, I found just full power elbows to be useful. Fully support more of these. It's a nice balance of workout and technique to think about.


Хороший комплекс, буду использовать в тренировках.