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Why should I sleep if I can make more clothes? Yeah! Another set of clothes made for you, my honey-perverts ;)

So! Meet the Cyber Slut clothes set! There are three items: Top, Thongs and Stockings. If you have some trouble with collisions on thick model (sorry I amek cloth based on standart model) just increase first two abr in Adjustments tab of this clothes. It will help a lot for this type of looks.

Download - VAR - 7z (Google Drive)

Thanks a lot to Oeshii for this awesome look!




how you can grab the clothes with Hands of person???


I will paste my explanation from reddit here, so if you have some additional questions, write me in direct. First of all, just to understand how it works: ClothGrabSphere (CGS) is an object that you should add to scene. It contains in category Misc. This is the floating area with changeable radius where clothes will be held (or grabbed). After grabbing a cloth with CGS you can move it and even attach to characters hand. Now, step by step. Just try it by yourself and that should work. Ask any questions - I'll answer. 1. Add ClothGrabScene (in Misc category)to a scnene. And select "ClothesGrabSphere" in Select menu (little cursor icon on menu panel). 2. In opened menu you can set Scale of area where cloth will be grabbed and some other stuff, like turning on and off CGS in Control tab (it's handy to off it at tbe start of positioning and on to grab cloth when CGS is on the right position in Control tab). 3. To see your CGS you can enable Toggle Targets (T on keyboard) and move your camera around. CGS shoulb be somewhere near the character. 4. Set Scale to 0.3 it's good for grabbing clothes by small piece. And move grab sphere where you want to grab your cloth (for example, the corner of the towel). 5. To apply grabbing sometimes you need to turn off and on CGS in Control tab. Ater that your clothes will be grabbed by the spehere that you can attach to characters hand and move around. This is not so obvious and maybe there is some plugin that makes this process a lot easier but I'm using this way to pose all my previews.