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For lazy readers:

  • $5 tier become $4 tier - do not forget to change it manually at the end of the month, please, $5 tier will be deleted in the end of the next month! I will remind you all in PM ;)
  • New tiers: $6 for all clothes, looks, items (sex toys, furniture) and scenes (rooms, animation e.t.c), $12 for all and commissions (4 per month for now).
  • All paid items are closed for distribution till it will become free. You still can write me to discuss using paid items in your work.
  • Since June new items will be private, some old items - public.

First: you are 🎉AWESOME!🎉 All of you, followers, pledgers, random perverts here! You're the best! When I started to post first clothes, I didn't even think about how warm the audience can be with the newcomers like me. I am really dreaming about growing my skills to make more quality stuff for you. All I want now: please, read my message here to be in pulse of the last news ;) Stay awesome! I think to create Discord channel a bit later where we can chat or suggest something new <3
Now, here are all details, my perverts
1. It looks like Patreon is going to add another tax for pledgers after July 1 (something around 20-50 cents depending on country) and that's the main reason to reduce the price on second tier subscription. Well, that means I'm taking that new tax on myself and your payment will not increase, it's even decreased (I highly hope). Hurray! You just need to change your tier to $4 - you will lose nothing.
2. What's new? Well, I'm starting to post looks (yeah, you're asking that in PM very often, huh), items (BDSM toys, furniture, rooms) and full scenes. But my main direction is still cloth sets! Moreover, I'm starting to take commissions for your pleased items (4 per month). I will make clothes for you and later I will be making sex toys, BDSM furniture or other objects as commission. Before paying this tier contact me in PM! There might be a situation when the item is might not be done in VAM right! Commission items are placed at the top of my items queue, so you will get your thing in a week or I'll tell you how long you should wait until it will be done. And after some time it will be uploaded to my page, if you are personally don't going against it.
Just to be clear: all $5 pledgers will be receiving all clothes after changing their tier to $4 as it goes now! Higher tiers for higher access and commissions only! You will not lose access to all new clothes, it's just getting cheaper a bit.
3. Since June all paid stuff are closed to any public use, except screenshots. If you want to use something from my items in your scene to publish it or in any other public case - contact me, and we discuss it. I'm truly open for collabs and sharing stuff so just don't be shy to ask. All free items are open for any use with crediting my page.
But you still can make a dependences in your VAR files (scenes) to my items with mentioning those items in description and adding links to them.
4. And the last changing: since June all new items will be available only for pledgers. Public versions goes later. 




is point 3 mean that no one can share a scene with depends on your var clothes ? even if the var scene don't contain your files? that would mean the end of the vam "scene" if it was the case (especially if other creator would do the same)


Yeah, I forgot about new dependence system in VAR files,thank you! In that case (if it's only dependence on my item and VAR doesn't contain it) the scene can be shared. But, I think, it's better to mention in scene description that there is an item that user need to have and maybe a link to this item or author's page.