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hola como vamos informando una de las novedades es un nivel nuevo dentro de ese nivel esta la posibilidad de hablar con las chicas por chat estamos haciendo pruevas los interesados pedir informacion aqui este servicio se tiene que adaptar al horario de españa  y bajo cita con las chicas desde la aqui lo que pedimos es respeto y educacion  muchas gracias



Seria bueno saber quiénes son


What does it say?


They plan on introducing a new tier where you can talk to the drupy team via chat but you need to be aligned with their timezone in Spain and also with an appointment with the drupy girls. This will still be in testing phase so if you're interested I think you need to talk to Xavier directly (in dm or something I guess). They also request that the chats be respectful and civil.


Awesome idea, but with the 5 hour difference it will make it rough for me


Not to mention my complete lack of Spanish


Google translate does a reasonable job, but involves a lot of cut and paste. It's not something you can do easily on a phone.


la drupy 10 habla ingles