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I think that maybe some women may rely on the ‘spoiled girlfriend’ trope as a means of avoiding the establishment of clear boundaries. There's no strict rule saying that as a spoiled girlfriend, you must go to their house. 🤔 You're the one who decides what makes a real relationship, not society's norms not these tik tok girls who don’t Vet and let these men know their address and pick them up on first dates very scary 😱 but I think that maybe some of you have the same question so this is a great time to really get to the nitty-gritty and be honest with ourselves.


MY ANSWER : NEVERRRRRRRR! Jk jk 😂 but no fr

So, instead of saying an allowance, the spoiled girlfriend will just ask for money, gifts, and other things but will not necessarily say she wants an allowance.

The spoiled girlfriend may introduce the pot to family, friends, or colleagues, while a sugar baby has no plans to introduce the sugar daddy to anyone she knows.

I don’t think going the spoiled girlfriend route means you have to go to one another's house, but as a sugar baby, I’m not really into dine in movies, getting couples massages, facials, or going to get couple mani and pedis. I’m definitely not doing a picnic at the park, walking the beach, or karaoke night at a bar. Now, if I’m going the spoiled girlfriend amount, as long as he has passed my vetting questions and passed every test where I'm testing his generosity, then yes, I may do those activities listed above. But being a spoiled girlfriend has nothing to do with having less boundaries or lower expectations because the goal ultimately could be to go from girlfriend to fiancée to wife. Sugar daddies don’t last forever, but if this is somebody that you’re thinking could be a future significant other, you should have no issues setting boundaries, and one of the boundaries is why wouldn’t you be comfortable? Just telling him that you’re not ready to go to his house, and you’re also not ready to take it to the next level and have intimacy in that way right now.

If you’re going the spoiled route, still set your boundaries; they should not be expecting S3X or anything from you, and you should not be worried about how to set your boundaries because they have already been set and he has already respected them.

In addition In relationships, it's natural to spend time at each other's homes once you established boundaries, but it's important to set boundaries and expectations. For example, if you need help with something like student loans or credit card payments there should be no more feeling embarrassed About sharing these details , it should be okay to expect support from the man you’re dating .

Before going to anyone’s house , it is smart you date for extensive amount of time. It is also smart to talk about it and do background checks period . And even after dating for 9 months or more , it's fine to only hang out during the day or morning. I would not let allow a man to know where you stay sorry not sorry!

If you're not ready for certain things, like S3x ,you should feel comfortable telling them that . How a man reacts will show if they respect your boundaries. And if you're scared to say no because you might lose them, it’s not the right person for you. PERIOD !

And if you ask my personal opinion, I think the minimum should be about eight or nine months before you go to anyone’s house and again there should be somebody who is doing a great deal for you ! REGARDLESS YOU DO NOT OWE A MAN A VISIT TO HIS HOME NOR DOES HE NEED TO COME TO YOURS!

Ultimately, the responsibility rests with you to make the best decision, considering your feelings and safety. While others can offer guidance, trust your instincts and apply sound judgment to navigate your choices wisely.

WHAT ARE YOU THOUGHTS ? When do you feel like it is the appropriate to visit the home of someone you're dating or vice versa? You can share honest thoughts and opinions below 👇

Safety and dating tips:



All love 💕




I only go to a man’s house when I’m comfortable. Idc how much he spends or what he does. I think more women need to understand that this is a personal Choice. ONLY GO WHEN YOU’RE COMFORTABLE. And me personally, I wouldn’t go over to any man’s house if I’m not ready to be intimate ( but that’s just me ). I don’t want a man to try me in that way, especially if I’m in his personal space.


Agreed 1000%. Standards shouldn’t change just because the relationship status/progression does ✨


Perfectly worded ! These men who respect your boundaries will understand things needs to progress organically


Perfect post I just dumped a guy who got annoyed and stopped making date plans because I wasn’t trying to come to his house. Like it was after only like 2 months and maybe 6 dates, half the dates were gym dates. Our last date I finally got him to the mall and he only bought me one thing that wasn’t even expensive. Then he has the nerve to say I was using him😂. Sir you are just cheap and poor. Those guys are low key horny Harold’s