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Good morning and evening to everyone! I just wanted to share something inspiring for Motivational Monday. Last week, I posted about Ashley's engagement, and it was heartwarming. As I scrolled through patreon profile, I found an old post from almost 4 years ago about a not so great date with a random man. I decided to screenshot it as a reminder that every date isn't a win, but we live and learn. Time + consistency! No matter how you look or your standards, people may try to date you without meeting those expectations. However, Ash is now engaged to a generous man, proving that things can change. Let's remember, you shouldn't have to date someone for their potential. I've posted links to her success, and I want this to be a motivational Monday for all you to keep trying, keep driving, and don't hesitate to ask for advice. You deserve whatever you want.

Original engagement post :


Post from 4 years ago:


All love ,





This is beautiful for to see, I know sometimes i might feel like I'm not reaching my goals especially when I see other girls winning❤️ but this post definitely gave me courage to perfect my craft, stick to my standards and never settle🎉🎉