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Certainly! Here's the edited version:

So, one of our lovely patrons commented and asked if I could do a post on the 'Business Bob' archetype and what he looks like, as I often talk a lot about 'Tech Ted.'

"**BUSINESS BOB**!! 🏦 He is usually a CEO, CFO, Executive Director, successful business owner, investment banker, stock trader, angel investor, tree farmer, venture capitalist, fiancé, or retired. Business Bobs can be the 'let's go to Miami and have a good time and bring your girls.' Think Wolf on Wall Street! He can also be Ebenezer Scrooge! If he is usually over 50+, he is presumably a divorcee trying to feel 'young again.

So, meet David on Bumble. He owns a chiropractor business and is a wealth advisor, according to my calculations and research. It looks like his net worth is about $1 million. He is divorced, and his wife may own a percentage of the chiropractor. They were married for 31 years, so I assume he’s paying some type of alimony. Also, they purchased it together a few years ago. I was able to find the current company that he’s working for, the exact chiropractor that he owns, and the location, along with its revenue.

"If you’re active in the group chat and want his information to coincidentally, maybe follow him on Instagram or something, DM me, and I can get back to you."

📝 he’s very googleable, but he’s also using his LinkedIn pictures on his Bumble so reverse ImageSearch was super easy to do.



