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For the ladies who excel offline these prompts are dedicated to you! These prompts will prove valuable when you find yourself at a bar or restaurant and wish to spark a conversation with a potential.


  • What is the dish you highly recommend? I'm new to this place and would love to try something delicious.
  • Have you been here before? What's your top pick from the menu?
  • It's my first time here and I'm looking for a delicious recommendation.


  • Could you kindly hold my spot for me? I’ll be right back!
  • Would you be so kind as to keep my seat for me while I step away to use the restroom?
  • Could you do me a favor and watch my seat while I take a short trip to the ladies' room?

When you ask a man to save a spot for you and strike up a conversation,  You will be able to see how he reacts. Will he look confused or hesitant? Will he be happy that a nice pretty woman asked him? Maybe he'll start a conversation when you return. However, when you come back, remember to say thank you to show your appreciation.


  • That drink you have looks fantastic! Can you share what it is?
  • Your drink looks absolutely delicious! Mind letting me in on what you're having?
  • I can't help but notice your drink—it looks incredibly tempting! Would you mind sharing what it is?
  • Wow, what drink is that ? Can you spill the beans on what a delightful concoction that is?
  • I couldn't resist noticing your adorable drink! Would you be kind enough to share What it is ?
  • I’m not even a drinker but that drink looks so refreshing. What drink is that?


  • Oh, this game looks so captivating! Which team has your support?
  • Oh, this game seems absolutely insane! Are you favoring any particular team?
  • Do you happen to have a favorite team you're cheering for?
    I'm curious, do you have a preferred team that you're supporting in this game?
  • I  usually don’t watch sports, but this looks pretty interesting. Which team are you rooting for?
  • I'm not usually into sports. Mind telling me which team you're backing?
  • I'm not much of a sports enthusiast, but this game has caught my attention. Care to share the team you're rooting for?
  • Sports isn't typically my thing, but I must admit, this seems quite intriguing. Any particular team you're cheering on?


  • I really admire your watch! May I ask which brand it is?
  • Your watch is really cool! Can you share the brand with me?
  • Your watch is insanely nice. Care to share the brand, I’ve been looking for a nice watch for my dad
  • Wow, nice watch….Mind revealing the brand?

May this selection be of great help to you ❣️

JUST GOT A COMMENT UNDER THIS POST THST I AGREE WITH : Ladies, please do not use what I say word for word. I know I always say this, but yes, sometimes it will come off as cringe if it's not necessarily your personality or not the wording you typically use. Just try to make it your own. Also, Maya in the comments   advised not to say that you're going to the restroom. I totally agree, but if you do mention it, please say "ladies' room.Maybe it's a better idea to say that you're going to check on a friend or make a quick call. I want the guy to know where you are, and just in case the waiter asks where you went, I want the guy to be able to have a conversation about you while you're not there.




I'm about to use and abuse the hell out of these 🤭


I’m about to go out and try this myself 😅