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I could have sworn I did an updated version of these prompts the only ones I could find was from 2019 yikes 🤦🏾‍♀️ So please enjoy the 2023 version of POT  WASTED YOUR TIME OR ASK TO RESCHEDULE  prompts.

  • Hey! I understand things happen but I did move things around for this date hun. Before we proceed with rescheduling, I would appreciate it if you could consider covering my losses. Thank you!

  • I recently purchased a lovely dress and heels specifically for our upcoming date, and now you're suggesting we reschedule. I'm quite disappointed and would expect you to make it up to me. Please understand my feelings (insert pout face gif)."

  • Listen, I value my time, and I thought you felt the same. and since this date has been rescheduled, I believe it's only fair for you to bring a small gift to compensate for the inconvenience caused. Looking forward to your thoughtful gesture (insert kiss emoji).

  • Oh no, we have to reschedule! I actually paid my co-worker to cover my shift, and now I'm left out of pocket. Will you be able to reimburse me for this unexpected expense, babe? ugh (insert sad face emojis).

  • 🥺 I just canceled plans with a close friend who was visiting for only a day to make this date happen. I must say, I'm really disappointed. In order to make it up to me, I have some preferences. I appreciate roses, perfume, and (insert things). You can choose one of these as a way to make amends, Mr. (insert surname). Please understand my sentiment (insert irritated face emoji).

  • Babeeee I must express my disappointment as I had just bought a beautiful dress and a pair of heels exclusively for our upcoming date. Now, you're telling me you are rescheduling, and it's disheartening. I sincerely hope you understand my feelings and take the initiative to make it up to me. (insert pout face gif)

  • It's disheartening to hear that you're suggesting we reschedule our date, especially after I went out of my way to purchase a lovely dress and heels for the occasion. To be honest babe disappointment is an understatement, and I expect you to find a way to make it up to me. (insert pout face gif)

  • I was really looking forward to our date, and I even treated myself to a beautiful dress and a pair of heels. Now, with the suggestion to reschedule, I can't help but feel let down. It would mean a lot to me if you could understand my disappointment and take the necessary steps to make it up to me. (insert pout face gif)

  • I'm feeling a little down because I had to pass on a girls' weekend in order to hang out with you. Sadly, it's too late for me to join my friends in (insert the name of the city), and I can't help but wish I had made a different choice. However, I believe that you can turn this disappointment into an opportunity for something special. So how do you plan on fixing this?

  • I can't help but feel let down knowing that you had to cancel our date due to your getting sick. I truly hope you get better soon, and please let me know if there's anything I can do to support you during this time. In the meantime, I've decided to treat myself to a pamper day to lift my spirits. I'll be booking a relaxing facial and a rejuvenating massage to indulge in some self-care. I was hoping you could cash app me for the day!

  • I'm truly disappointed to hear about the cancellation of our date. It would mean a lot to me if you could understand my feelings and take steps to make it up to me. I value our connection and believe we can work through this together.

  • I was genuinely surprised to hear that our plans had to be canceled. I hope you can understand my disappointment and find a way to make it up to me. Our friendship means a lot to me, but I am not going to sugarcoat how disappointed I am.

Let me know what you all think of these!



