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Morning!!! Let's talk about OkCupid and the compatibility chart. It's a necessary vetting tip for ladies interested in OkCupid. Here's something to keep in mind: just because your OkCupid compatibility score with someone is low, it doesn't necessarily mean he is not a pot.

Let me give you an example to explain this better.⬇️

On OkCupid, they ask you several questions to gauge compatibility. One of these questions might be, "Would you date someone in debt?"

You will answer "No," while the guy might answer "Yes."

In my opinion, that means you guys have compatibility, check the screenshots above! Each man answered they would date a woman that was in debt and knows that you will not date a man that is in debt. if that is not compatibility I do not know what it is lol.

I think this question is great for women who are in student loan debt or credit card debt, and looking for a pot to help them out eventually.

What other questions do you have about Okucpid?

♥️enjoy your weekend




I’ve been using that number on OKCupid too helps weed out a lot of BS


Hey everyone Chanel is running a little behind so the live will begin 30 minutes later than the scheduled time.