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lets stop wasting our time and start asking the right questions , something as simple as “What is your dream date you would take me on !” Can reveal that this not the guy for you.

As I examined the screenshot, I couldn't help but notice that when discussing the idea of going out, the man's immediate thought was a "hole in the wall." Now, here's where it gets interesting. If you're a woman who appreciates luxury and the finer things in life, it's natural to desire a partner who shares those same aspirations. So yes I’m saying he’s not a pot because you need to come harder when you’re on a dating app flirting with a beautiful woman.

Remember, first impressions aren't definitive judgments, but they do provide valuable insights into someone's character. So, as we navigate the dating world, let's take the time to understand what truly matters to us and seek those who align with our vision.

20 great vetting questions :








Hey Chanel, I can’t seem to find the vetting questions. The link directs me to a different page