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It is never too late to get exactly what you want -CNC

  • Did you know my love language is 12/25?
  • I hope you are prepared to make me happy on 12/25. I am rooting for you!
  • Let me just casually send my wishlist babe, so you can be in the mind frame of holiday cheer.
  • It is never too late to gift me something for Christmas🎁.
  • It is never too late to ask me what I want for Christmas.
  • I want you to know it is never too late to buy one of these for Christmas lol. ( send the image of what you want)
  • I want you to keep this in mind, Santa day is right around the corner. You have ( enter days) to make me the happiest girl in ( enter city).
  • I want you to keep this in mind, Santa day is right around the corner. You have ( enter days) to make me the happiest girl in ( enter state).
  • I want you to keep this in mind, Santa day is right around the corner. You have ( enter days) to make me the most joyful woman in ( enter the country).
  • So are you going to be my Santa This year?
  • I am counting on you to be my Santa, This year. My very own Saint Nicholas. Lol, I call you saint ( enter his name).
  • ( Sends Mariah Carey's "All I want for Christmas" song) I was just listening to my favorite Xmas song and realized all I want for Xmas is you and ( enter the gift you want). 😚
  • So since I am your 😉 girlfriend, what am I getting for Christmas?
  • I am sending my wishlist again so we can ensure I am happy on Christmas🎁.
  • Good morning‼️ Happy holidays 🎄 I am wishing that my Christmas is Happy as well lol🤣.
  • Just to make sure we are on the same page .. you are getting a nice present for Christmas?
  • I am so excited about my favorite holiday..*hint* it is on the 24th and 25th.
  • Okay so my favorite day is 12/25, are we celebrating it together?
  • So I decided to create a survey for you to fill out lol 🙊 
  • Lol, babe looks at this, I saw this survey in this women's empowerment(or whatever group chat) group. 
  • Look at this survey I found on Twitter, you should fill it out🙊🤣👏🏾. 
  • So you know my love language is December 25th lol 🤣?
  • Did you know my love language is Christmas?
  • I am seriously eager about what you are getting me for Christmas🎁🥰
  • The countdown until Christmas starts now... wondering what you are getting me 🙊hmmmm...?

All love,





Thank you for taking the time for making these for us, you don't have too, but you do for the betterment of all of us! I appreciate you!


Yaaas can't wait to use these, I send my potential SD my wishlist worth around 1200€. He bought things worth around 500€. I am a happy woman😂