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“In my experience, there is only one motivation, and that is desire. No reasons or principle contain it or stand against it.” —Jane Smiley

  • I just had the most amazing idea! This would lighten the load off of me tremendously. Let's start an arrangement where I would not have to repeatedly ask you for cash-on-hand babe, this way I can live comfortably and we can see each other more frequently.
  • Hey, I was just thinking, what if we set it up that you transfer funds to me every other week. This will help me with school,\ and being able to see you during the week. It would even help when I want to buy nice things babe. I feel like this conversation is long overdue but it feels like a weight lifted off my shoulders.
  • Babe 😘, I just desire an agreement that you will aid me with my monthly expenses. I acknowledge that already contribute so much to my life. You are funny, emotionally and mentally intelligent. I know you care about me! So that is why I do not mind asking.  I just wanted you to understand this is something, I want to get taken care of. It has been weighing heavy on my heart recently babe.
  • When you get a chance can we have a phone call or a video chat? I really would like to establish an arrangement. I feel like instead of me sending you a cash app request or anything like that. You can just send me monthly assistance. Please do not answer via text. I would prefer a phone call baby! 💚
  • One thing  I know for certain is that I care about you! I know you purchase gifts for me and surprise me with stunning things that I absolutely treasure. However babe sometimes I want to buy my own items or save money instead of getting material things. Hun, I hope you do not take this the wrong way because I cherish the gifts and I cherish our relationship as well.
  • Would it be absurd for us to affirm this relationship? Perhaps some type of allowance? ugh, I'm blushing just typing this lol. Think about it like this, I will no longer have to ask you for money honey! It will just get that all out of the way!
  • Hey hun I’ve been meaning to bring this up I’m just not sure when was the right time. Can we possibly talk on the phone? (Then bring up the arrangement on the phone or in-person)
  • Baby, I appreciate everything you do, and being around is amazing 😉 I think we are a great match, ❤️ You make me so happy, however, I think I would be happier if we established a weekly allowance. I just want some consistency in my life babe it would make it so much easier if I didn’t have to text you every time I see something at the store I like or if I’m having car trouble. I think it’s an ideal solution for us both.
  • Baby! Can we discuss a bi-weekly allowance? You know the old saying ask and you shall receive :)



