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So let’s continue where we left off Friday (the success Friday post) : https://www.patreon.com/posts/she-got-630-no-1-66368533?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copy_to_clipboard&utm_campaign=postshare

Quote of the week :

One my favorite quotes has to be “A good man will want you to shine. He wants you to be your amazing self. A good man loves to spoil his happy, intelligent, amazing, powerful woman.”

- Anastasia Netri.

🌟 This pot is clearly infatuated with her ! Meaning he will go the extra mile because the major benefit that he receives is having conversations with her.

🌟 The conversation is flowing seamlessly and The pot is not being aggressive.

🌟 The pot is giving fruitfully and easily

🌟 they already have a relationship built created with inside jokes and understanding of what one another wants.

🌟 She is sending pictures because as I always say pots are visual.

🌟 She is going the spoiled gf route



🌟 One major thing I want to point out is that she seems to enjoying herself while virtually chatting with this pot. It doesn’t seem or sound like this a quick finesse to her or she has no strategy. Positivity and Poise always 😌

If you have any questions for her please comment below

If you can’t see this post clearly or the format is incorrect download patreon app please

Xoxo 💋,





Love this!

