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Happy Monday everyone!

Sometimes we don’t always want to do mental work on being a damn therapist for a sugar daddy.

 I feel as though some women are putting way too much ENERGY into helping pots that drain your ENERGY. I don’t deal with men who are extremely needy and emotionally dependent on me, but when I do come across a man like that, I know exactly how to deal with them.  

So here’s some advice. Let quotes, memes, and gifs do the talking for you.  💅🏾

A POT THAT LOVES LONG CONVERSATION =send a long inspiration quote

A POT THAT IS ALWAYS DEBBY DOWNER & complaining about life  = send them inspirational quotes every morning

A POT MOURNING A LOVED ONE= Pinterest got you! Let him deal with five stages of grief and you send him quotes that aid with this.

A POT GOING THROUGH A DIVORCE = you better be sending quotes about starting a new life!

ALL I’m saying is don’t let building a relationship drain your relationship with yourself. Attached to this post are some great examples of memes to send! 📲

Enjoy your day 🥰




So I made a Hinge for purposes of seeing what’s out there in the dating world and found myself a SD but my real name is on there. Is it a bad idea to still go through with it? He only knows my first Name- sorry my comment isn’t that related to the post


When you’re actually expecting an email for an important career opportunity. But all your notifications are from your clingy SD so you get your hopes up every time you check 🤦🏽‍♀️