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Hey Finesse Fam 🥰 

It's Finesse Friday 🥳, I posted this success story a few weeks back. This SD was found on Hinge and our finesse babe got a car in her name as well as multiple shopping sprees (We love to see it😍)! Now, this finesse babe is back with details on how she made this success happen.  She gives the group chat some advice as well as going into more detail. The key to this story seems to be her patience and willingness to let the relationship build. I also noticed that the car was initially his idea. The finesse comes easier when you aren't trying to force someone to do something. Let it be their idea, or let them think it is anyway 😉.  

I'll also be attaching the original post where there were two additional girls who got cars from their SD's. You can take a look at that post it's linked at the bottom of this post. 

Also, make sure that you are reading over the screenshots and actually retaining the information. This finesse babe in particular retained information by taking her own notes on my videos and Patreon. She also asked me questions during my youtube live.  Apply what you learn and see what works best for you ✨ 💵.

And ladies, let's not forget about these regular dating apps. Because there are men on there that will spend and turn into sugar daddies✨🛍







I'm speaking in tongues and catching the holy ghost!!!!! thank you Jesus!!! (I ain even Xtian lol)


Yes she played that extremely well congrats to her on the BMW that’s my fav 😍😍😍