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What if your usual appointment didn't go as expected? What if your nurse gave you a special medicine through a pacifier... it seemed so strange at first but she kept insisting all other syringes were out of stock. How could you argue against that, who ever argues with their nurse? It felt so ridiculous and silly in your mouth, I mean your first thoughts when you saw her were adult but how would you ever get to shoot your shot with her after she's seen you with a pacifier. Her words seem so smooth but suddenly your stumbling over yours. Maybe a stutter at first or lost train of thought. "Oh its okay everyone gets nervous at the doctors it happens all the time don't worry, everything I needed to know is in your chart anyways so don't fuss about using those big boy words."

Wait... big boy words? As soon you go to protest nothing but gibberish came out, or was it? She didn't understand you anyways, and the smile on her face makes it seem like she thought your attempt to defend yourself is cute. With gloves ready you start to notice maybe more was out of stock than you thought? Was that baby powder and a diaper?? Your normal check up suddenly seems so far from your mind. What was on her chart, did she have you mixed with someone else? When did she even lay me down on this table and pull my pants off? The concept of time suddenly seemed strange and unimportant as you laid there exposed and almost.. excited at a diaper? Wait, no. A diaper?? 

"Is someone wondering what's going on? That's not your job anymore little one. Words are pointless you just have baby babble and I'm trying to get you quickly changed before the first inevitable accident, reception gave me a heads up that you drank plenty of water in the waiting room. Here you can have this pacifier to keep your little mouth busy while I get you situated."

What was in that medicine? Wait did you even need medicine this was just a check up for your.. wait what was it for? Doesn't matter. That pacifier did sound kind of nice but a diaper sounds so embarrassing and wait what accident. The sensation of the pacifier seemed to quiet your thoughts and worries as you laid there and felt the cool sprinkle of powder and the thick and fluffy feeling of a diaper underneath you. She didn't even ask you to move but gracefully lifted your legs and did it all as if it were routine. Soon you were snuggly taped in and dry.. until a warm feeling. It felt so nice as your body relaxed, had you always been this tense before?

"Aww you let go so quickly and didn't even fuss about it like the other babies. But you're nowhere close to needing a change. Speaking of the other babies why don't we go meet them since the doctor is delayed today?" 




Well honestly if you were my nurse, I’d let you do anything to me!


I love these photos 🥰