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If only you could eavesdrop on Mommy’s call..

These bedwetting incidents you’ve been having are starting to get a bit out of hand. It almost seemed like an unspoken agreement that your Mommy quietly washed the wet laundry without much mention. But it was happening more and you both know it’s becoming a problem. Now it's gotten worse.. while at your friend Michael's house you got too distracted playing with him and your friends. You completely spaced going potty. You know there's no way to make it to the potty in time & have an accident in front of all your friends!Mrs. Smith helps you clean up and lends you Michaels shorts,  thanking her quickly, you go back to play and laugh it off with your friends. But she’s not laughing...she’s calling back home to warn your Mommy ahead of time of your babyish mishap that happened today and giving your Mommy some helpful advice that helped when Michael couldn't stop having accidents either. It’s about time you get put back in pull ups and sleep with a crinkly disposable bed mat for extra protection at night. They talk about you like the little one we all know you are


Call for pull ups

Watch sunny's video about Call for pull ups. Find the best moments, speech, people, objects, text, and more.


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