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Sitting here and feeling so sleepy, but I know I should shower, change into a diaper and some jammies and lay down for bed. But I can’t help but think about feeling extra small and suddenly hear the bath run. Wondering when Daddy went to the bathroom? Maybe I was more tired than I thought. Trying to say it’s too late for a bath but calmly sitting in the tub with my toys (it wouldn’t take much to convince me into a warm bath) and hearing a story or just asking my daddy to sit on the floor next to me or join me while it’s dimly lit. All the stubborn want to stay up and protest bed, now feel like too much effort and the bath is so warm and they’re so close I get to hold my two favorite fingers (it’s like holding hands but better when you feel tiny I dunno what it is about it but trust me) and go from wanting to stay up..to whining to get out of the tub and be put in a thick diaper for bed. I’m just gonna sleepy dream about all the diaper change details now


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