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I’ve had this desire to be babied on another level lately. So I thought I would share one

The thought of being sleepy and trying to stay up my past my bedtime with daddy. But him quickly catching on and almost making a game out of it. Changing me into a thick nighttime diaper, pausing from what he’s working on to cuddle on the couch and give me a warm bottle. What would get me most is being held while he walks around. The feeling of being sleepy, comforted, crinkly and in the best arms ever sounds so dreamy. Waking up in the bed almost confused but crying out for daddy, a pacifier still in my mouth and realizing I had been laid in bed while he finishes up for the night. Having the neediest little feelings and wanting to be close to him and not being ready to sleep in the bed alone 🥺 I just keep thinking about this and all those baby moments I wish I could experience but the very thought still makes me smile💕



That sounds lovely. An amazing way to feel small and comforted